Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Clint Thompson

    Great looking knife.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Real Sweet!

  • Jan Carter


    Is that a sleeveboard with a coping blade

  • Bob Andrews

    Actually it is a sheepsfoot secondary. Just the way the picture turned out.

  • Jan Carter

    So I know Bob will be at the GEC gathering and my plan is to be there every morning to say hi and see our friends there.  I really dont want to miss seeing any iKC members so please let me know if you will be there

  • Bob Andrews

    Has anybody heard from Johnny Two Shoes? He used to be very active here but I haven't heard or seen anything of him in quite some time. I'm assuming he's a very busy young man?

  • Jan Carter


    Johnny has indeed become a very busy young man.  I am hoping we will be able to see  him this year

  • Bob Andrews

    I certainly hope so too Jan!

  • Jan Carter

    Bob I sent Johnny an email to see if he and the family will be coming

  • Bob Andrews

    I hope they can make. A very nice young man and a great family too. Quite refreshing to see!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I miss our buddy, Johnny Two Shoes, too! I wish he could find time to say hello or write one of his great stories.

  • Jan Carter


    Chance to win a #792213 Northfield UN-X-LD Workhorse 
    Bark Elephant Ivory Handles, 1095 carbon steel
    Serialized #06
    79 workhorse elephant ivory wounded warrior
    Tickets are $1.00 each — if you wish to pay with a credit card there is a $10.00 minimum purchase.
    Contact Chris at 814-827-3411 or email her at to order tickets.
    Drawing will be held on the last day of the Rendezvous, July 27, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
  • Jan Carter

    For the yellow rose collectors***

    Just saw that a new one is coming out

  • Jan Carter

    are we going to see one of these come back also?

  • Jan Carter

    I just heard that GEC is making some throw backs.  Look to see some woods, some bones and some STAG!!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    July 27th was my wife's Birthday. Can we call in our purchase of tickets on the 26th ?

  • Bob Andrews

    I would say you can call in your purchase of tickets up until the drawing at 3 pm on the 27th Robert.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I have called in to purchase tickets on the Rendezvous week end before but always the first day. Thanks, Bob, I might just wait till the 27th, for luck.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    What about this years Rendezvous knife of the year? I can't wait to see what it is, this year. I bought one of last years knives.

  • Jan Carter

    I will be there on that Thursday morning to let you know what the knife is Robert.  At the unveiling!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Ivars, I like that one.
    Thanks for the heads up on this one.

    If I didn't already have a two bladed scout, I'd scoop this one up.
  • Ron Cooper

    Ivars! Wowsa!

    That's the first I've seen of that beauty. What would you call that -- A Tear Drop One Armed Man?

    I love it!

  • Jan Carter

    We just got this model this week, we bought the easy open ebony version of it

  • Lee Smith


  • Ron Cooper

    Jan, you MUST post a pic of it! Ebony? Easy Open? Are you kidding me!

  • Paul Slusser

    VERY nice Ivars.  I had not seen an 85 with that blade yet.  Now I want one!

  • Jan Carter

    I promise to get a pic up tomorrow

  • johnny twoshoes

    That one must be exceptionally nice Jan.

    Can't wait to see it.

  • Jan Carter

    OK, I think I missed showing you all the last 2

  • Jan Carter

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Real nice, Miss Jan. Ivars, I love the bone handles on your knife.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Wow, I love that swinguard Jan.

    The EO is awesome too, but man O man.

    Sweet Prim bone.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey Johnny, it's great to hear from you. I like that swinguard, too.

  • Ron Cooper

    Thanks for posting the pics, Jan! And, wowsa! That ebony easy open is like a Double Easy Opener -- The One Armed Man blade coupled with that EO cut-out for thumb and forefinger. Two features that make that knife Too Kewl 4 Skool!

  • Jan Carter


     We are having our Annual Rendezvous / Open House

    at our factory location in Titusville, PA

    on Thursday, July 25, Friday, July 26, & Saturday, July 27



    Special Guest  Charlie Campagna with some of his Barlow knife collection.

    Everyone is Welcome!

    Northfield UN-XLD #641113 LB SG
    Babylon Hill Special – Camel Bone
  • Jan Carter

    Got in a while ago, talked to Chris.  Everything is working its way to done for the Rendezvous

  • Jan Carter

    First stop for us after a lazy morning was Great Eastern.  It really feels like home when we get there, just like we were here yesterday.  So good to see friends and have a few moments to see everyone

    The Wounded Warrior raffle is up and as you can see has started getting some phone in tickets.  You can call and speak with Sue or Chris, 1.00 per ticket with a minimum of 10 tickets if your ordering over the phone with a card

    The store is getting a makeover, just in time for the open house

    Chris tucker, taking phone orders LOL

  • Jan Carter

    Folks I gotta tell you I had the pleasure of spend some time this evening with Charlie Campagna (TC Barlows)  Now we have all talked about how cool these knives look but you just have to hold one to appreciate it.  The best words I could figure out were "an exquisite knife built to work".  This is not a chunky hard to hold on to Barlow.  This is a solid, slim for a Barlow, pocket friendly,workhorse.  I will bring you some pics tomorrow and a bit about Charlie himself

  • Jan Carter

    It is 8 am and the Rendezvous has begun


























  • Jan Carter

    Charlie C

  • Michelle "Fingers" DellaPelle

    my god that "SEO&S " barlow!!

  • Ron Cooper

    Keep the pics coming, Miss Jan!

  • Jan Carter

    Fingers I have some more of Charlie Barlows to show you but that was my favorite also

  • Jan Carter

    The answer to what is this years knife

  • Jan Carter

    I spent the morning at GEC and then Donnie stayed to cover this show while I

    stepped out to the other factory

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I almost forgot about the Rendezvous, I've been busy shopping and buying a new used car for my youngest grand daughter. She's out of High School and about to start college. We will pick it up tomorrow.

  • Jan Carter

    Greeting folks at the top of the stairs.  Good time to talk knives while waiting for a tour

  • Jan Carter

    The start of a tour begins with all the knives made by GEC

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I love this years knife. That faded blue, looks like old blue jeans. Real Sweet!

  • Michelle "Fingers" DellaPelle

    Jan... Yes i see that. I love  that very vintage barlow