Rough Rider Collector's

Home of the Rough Rider. RR offers all of the great knife patterns from the past. Quality and affordable, a rare product these days.

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  • J.J. Smith III

    Got a boy whittlin and they've omitted a whittler in the series?
  • Billy Oneale

    I didn't know if I would really like the Stroke of Luck series, so I bought the whittler to check it out. I think I will have to get the rest of the series. It really was nicer than I expected.  Iv'e been trying to stick mainly with Made in USA lately. Here is a picture.

  • KnifeMaker

    Tom Hudson

    Thats a looker!

  • KnifeMaker

    Tom Hudson

    The etching on the blade reminds me of Fighting Rooster - The cast bolters are what they are - I assume they are cast which i would prefer to have the clean - cast bolsters look like - well cast bosters -


  • Tobias Gibson

    I currently own two Stroke of Luck knives, the 5 inch toothpick and 3 5/8 standard canoe.  Only problem with the Canoe is the green bone is  varies in shade from obverse to reverse side.  According to the fine folks at SMKW, the bolsters are patterned after some antique  British Bolsters in their National Knife museum  I'm planning on picking up the whittler despite the lack of a coping blade, the large stockman and maybe the locking canoe.


  • KnifeMaker

    Tom Hudson

    I'M NOT BIG ON THE BOLSTERS SINCE THEY ARE CAST BUT THE ETCHING ISS GREAT - other folks may love it - just personal taste - tom
  • Jan Carter


    I like the color of the scales.  The casting of the bolsters aside, I appreciate that they have taken a pattern from a knife in the musuem.  It is nice when the new incorporates the older knives.  Let us see them togeather as the collection grows please

  • KnifeMaker

    Tom Hudson

     I appreciate that they have taken a pattern from a knife in the musuem.


    I assume thats where most of all the RR patterns come from - I just hope the musuem knife gets put back together & back to the musuem but that might be wishful thinking -

  • Jan Carter

    Not sure how I feel about the Armor Hide.   My favorite bones are usually smooth.  The hawkbill looks nice though

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Yeah, I ususlly stick to more traditional looking bone, and I love their tobacco bone. I'm kinda back and forth on these......but, I still might get one. I'm thinking about the small lockback barlow.
  • Jan Carter


    That Tabacco bone is really very nice  

  • stephen tungate

    very nice stroke of luck knives nice color and love those bolsters tobias...
  • Jan Carter


    That rough rider Barlow is what my son carries and he loves it (forget what handle)  Glad it makes you smile, just tell the wife your loving my most recent purchase.  Then she will really wonder whats up

  • Billy Oneale

    Craig, I went on a Rough Rider buying spree and now I have a couple of hundred. Very good knife for the price. These are the better built knives coming from China. I end up buying one every once in a while. I recently bought a couple of sunfish and a Sroke of Luck stockman. Eventually I will get some pictures posted here.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Wow Billy, A couple of hundred! We should beable to see a few, please.
  • Billy Oneale

    I'll have to check my photo's. I think I have pictures of them in the knife rolls. I have taken pictures of each one also. I will try to get some posted here in a few days.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Might take a few days, Billy.  Ning will only let you load 25 a day.  LOL
  • Billy Oneale

    I loaded 25 pics on my photos to the Rough Rider folder if any one wants to look. I will try to get them all on there eventually. That's a time consuming process when my picture are in such a disarray. I do have them in named folders on my computer. Craig, I have a lot of pics of RR leg knives that belong to my wife. I started collecting on these and Steel warrior. RR are better knives. The fit and finish is better. I thought I was going to buy one of each knife made when I started, It didn't take very long to figure out that was not going to happen in my lifetime. RR are priced where a person can actually buy a set of knives in a particular series. Will they ever be (collectible and go up in value?), only time will decide that. Look at the prices that Parker made knives made in Japan sell for now. When I die, my Grandsons can have them.
  • Jan Carter

    Wow Craig, the longest we ever went was a few months

     It's like a disease. I've been on the wagon for a number of years, but now I've fallen off........HARD!


  • Tobias Gibson

    I don't have a couple hundred.  My collection is in the several dozen range.  I've added about 17.  Those on facebook have seen the photos on my Facebook page (Knives of the man cave)    For anyone else, I've created an album on my page called Rough Riders.  I'll add more later.
  • Billy Oneale

    Toby, I bought these because of the price and the quality is pretty good also. I am loading the pics on my page also.  They were the knives I started with and they pushed me into becoming an  steel addict.
  • Billy Oneale

    I just uploaded several more RR pics to the Rough Rider album on my photo's on my page.
  • Billy Oneale

    The Blue Wave Pearl are close to my favorites. They look really good. The Ocean fire pearl even looks better. I only have 3 of those. Those seem to be hard to find. I got the 3 off of ebay for under $5.00 a piece. I think I still have  a few more to buy to complete the Blue Ocean pearl series.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Thanks Billy! I might give the Canoe blue and/or red a try. I'm in a Canoe frame of mind lately.


    One Rough Rider pearl Canoe I'd like to find is the one that has the thin diagonal spacer through the middle. I can't find a dealer that still has them.

  • J.J. Smith III


    I'm not much of a pearl handle kind of guy, but I just had to get this, when I saw it, on a trip to SMKW.

  • stephen tungate

    wow jj that is a beautiful knife it looks very cool sir...
  • Billy Oneale

    I think that was one of the Silver Select series. Here's a couple of canoes inj the Ocean Wave and Ocean Fire.
  • Billy Oneale

    OK, Here's the canoe. I clicked the wrong pic a second ago.
  • Billy Oneale

    Very nice JJ. That is a good looking knife.
  • stephen tungate

    very nice knife's billy they sure look cool....

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Beautiful "Gunboat" JJ!  I need to find more knife money! Maybe I can stop eating.....and who needs clothes.....well, I have to have pants to carry knives.
  • Jan Carter

    Naw, just a belt Craig, to hang a sheath on

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    LOL! Good idea, I never thought of that. Just a belt then!
  • J.J. Smith III

    Perhaps a good place for a folder would be a sporran?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Y'all look at Tarzin, loin cloth, and a big ole knife.
  • stephen tungate

    ahhh ahhhha ahhhh ahhhh

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    I think I'll take JJ's idea and combine it with Robert's.....the sporran can serve two functions; loin cloth and knife carrier! And, the belt for it can hold a bunch of knife sheaths! I'm all set.
  • Tobias Gibson

    The sporran makes a lousy loin cloth.   And if you're looking for a handy place to tuck a knife when you have no pockets, go traditional and use your hose-tops.  And socks are cheaper than pants or a sporran!


  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    You guys are good,,,lol
  • Billy Oneale

    I added some more of my RR collection to my Rough Rider photo album. I have been trying to match pictures with my excell lists. It is a daunting task since all my RR are in knife cases and RR doesn't have the  model # stamped on very many of their knives. I should have done this when they were still in the box.
  • J.J. Smith III

    " RR doesn't have the  model # stamped on very many of their knives."

    My chief complaint with Rough Riders.  I hate their numbering system.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    I agree. It would be nice if they did a model/pattern numbering system kinda like Case, AND stamped them on the knives.


    Also, it would be nice to know who, what, when, and where with Rough Rider tang stamps. They may never be collectible like Case with everyone, but with SOME of us they will. Besides, tang stamp info is just something I've gotten used to wanting to know about after all these years.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Craig, anything can be collected. When I was a boy I had a rock collection.
  • Tobias Gibson

    It is strange that some of the RR have pattern numbers and others do not.  I'm assuming this has to do with the fact that some blades are used on different knives.  I will need to investigate a little.  I'm sure it would ease manufacturing and cost not to put a pattern number on every sowbelly, especially if no other distinguishing marks were being added to the blade.  Thus maybe, you'd put the pattern number on the clip blade for the moonshiner or blue but not for the White bone sowbelly and sawcut bone sowbelly.   As the knives aren't in front of me, this is all just conjecture right now.


    I also have an excel sheet for all my knives and pattern numbers are entered there when I get a new knife.  When I first started the sheet, I had to look for pattern numbers.  I found it easier to go to SMKW and look the items up than go though my drawer full of empty boxes and match the knife to the box.


  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    We are a knife club that lets everyone enjoy the knife of their choice. You may get as much enjoyment out of a $25 dollar knife as some guy with his $2500 knife. Life too short, get your pleasure from what you like.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Has anyone done any work on dates RR tangs stamps were/are used?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    The guys at Knives Live TV are real nice and understanding, try right them a letter about the tang stamp dating. I wrote them and everything was solved.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Write a letter, or email? I haven't written a letter in so long I don't know if I can write anymore! LOL!
  • Jan Carter

    Have you tried asking for the info on their facebook page?

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    Craig Henry

    No, I don't have a facebook account.