Rough Rider Collector's

Home of the Rough Rider. RR offers all of the great knife patterns from the past. Quality and affordable, a rare product these days.

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  • Tobias Gibson

    I wish!   That's pretty cool.
  • Billy Oneale

    I have one, Ivars. I will post some pics later. i stained mine.

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    Craig Henry

    I have two of the knife chests. As far as I know DOES still have some left. I got mine for $13.95!


    Speaking of called bladematrix and Cecil said he does NOT have the RR1021 Damascus lockback in stock. He said he thinks he can get one somewhere. So, I don't know. When I get out to pick the money tree I might try to see if he can get me one. I have so many other RRs to get I'll have to see.


    I think my money tree needs  fertilizer.

  • Billy Oneale

    Here is the pic of my Rough rider chest. I got it free from SMKW for buying some RR knives. Craig, did you check with HR knives? That was the website I got that from.

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    Craig Henry

    That looks good Billy! I left mine natural with a coat of  Minwax clear satin polyurethane.


    No, I didn't try yet. I've never done business with them, but I'll try sending them an email asking if they actually have it, or they think they can get it.

  • Alexander Noot

    I just ordered the small version of the Damascus Rough Rider from a dealer in the states.


    I'm very curious as to how I'll like it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Alex, which one did you order? The lockback?
  • J.J. Smith III

    Stain looks good on the RR chest, Billy.
  • Tobias Gibson

    There is no doubt that a roll is more transportable and in theory will hold more knives in less space, however, I'm not crazy about using a roll for long time storage.  I currently house my knives in chest of drawers lined with felt.   I suppose they will collect more dust but as I routinely wipe them down, I don't see this as a major problem  I also have several knives out for display.  Again they need to be wiped on a routine basis.  I want easy access and also want to show knives easily.  


    I currently don't own a knife roll.  If I need to transport a large number of knives,  I'll probably use my camera case, which is made of anodized aluminum and several layers of  foam rubber.  I'd wrap the knives in acid free archive paper and place them between the layers of foam.  If I needed a larger container, I've got plenty of foam rubber as well as a very large suit case.


    Space is a major consideration.  I've got the space so I have plenty of options. If you don't have space, a roll may be an ideal solution  because you can pack knives aways and display them in a small amount of space fairly quickly.


    Needing  to haul knives is another consideration.  If you're hitting the shows and moving your knives often, the roll or a special carrying cases are probably a necessity.

  • J.J. Smith III


    When considering a roll, it's a good idea to find out if it has different sized loops or not.  I had one that had a hodge-podge of different sizes that I felt were waisted.

  • Tobias Gibson

    On a different note.   Up for bid on eBay is what appears to be 10 RR in the imitation Abalone.  Starting bid is 55.00  and $8 shipping  (Not my auction and I'm not bidding -- I have no pony in this race!)   If you're interested you can find it on eBay with this auction number:  290627084708


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    Craig Henry

    Ok, BIG update on the whole RR1021 Damascus lockback story -


    I said that said he did not have any in stock.......WRONG! He DOES have a couple in stock! Also has four in stock!


    This is what happened; I emailed and asked if they have them .  They said yes. I told my wife I was going to order one. She looked upset and told me she already ordered one from for me for Christmas! Sooo, I'm getting one, and both of those dealers DO have them if anyone wants one. At least two dealers to pick from.


    And, I use knife packs for storage, and the knife chests for jewelry boxes....which means EDC knives.

  • robert benton

    the  RR1021 is this the one with the damascus blade,bolsters and jigged bone handke,if so i have one but the lock is broken 
  • robert benton

    I love mine it is a real nice knife you will love it,I got mine from a dealer who is no longer in business. i already contacted SMKW and they could not warenty it because i had no proof of purchase and the dealer went out of business which is a bummer because it was my fav EDC and everyone that i showed it to thought it was a custom costing a couple of hundred bucks
  • robert benton

    i plan to get another one in the future maybe whe SMKW gets them back in stock
  • Billy Oneale

    Glad to hear that, Craig. I need to get me one. They are nice looking. Robert, I heard on the knives live show tonight that they don't know when they will have them back. They said the factory made a mistake on the price of the first ones. Of course SMKW is in the business of selling knives. They acted like if they got more, the price would be more than what they originally sold for. It's important to buy from a reputable dealer who will take care of you. SMKW has resolved any issue I had.I'm sorry that the dealer you bought from went out of business. I always save receipts and shipping lists on mine , just in case. I think Toby emailed SMKW during the show tonight, which is what sparked Steve's response.
  • Billy Oneale

    Ivars, I have knife rolls, that RR chest, which is the only one and I have some 12" X 18" glass display cases that I use. The glass display's are the best way, but also the most expensive. I also have a lot of knife holder's that are like this. I like these the best out of roll type storage.This type folds and zips. I think it is probably just called a knife case. If you want them visible the RR chest or the glass display's are probably the best. I do like the zippered knife holders quite a bit. I got most of mine at SMKW. You might look on there website.
  • stephen tungate

    how come when you come to this site you guys have all these great rr knives and there is no pictures it would be great to see pictures of these knives in this group....
  • Billy Oneale

    Thanks J.J. It drove me nuts looking at the unfinished wood. I bought some display's for my wifes mini's and ended up staining them also. I didn't let them dry quite long enough because I had a time getting the sliding lids to open and slide.
  • Billy Oneale

    Stephen, I have most all of mine posted on my albums in my photo's. I have 2 RR albums.
  • Tobias Gibson

    I think you'll finf more pics in the other shorter threads and not as many on the Comment Wall.  But here are few of my favorite RR


    MMy Riggers


    My Toothpicks



    RR 844 with modified sheath


    Moonshiner Sowbelly


    A Stroke of Luck Toothpick

    Red Bone Canittler, Amber Bone locking Canoe Whittler

    Brian Yellowhorse


    And I'm always adding more at Rough Rider Reviews


  • J.J. Smith III

    Craig Henry Comment by Craig Henry 14 hours ago 
    " You know, I have this bad habit....if I get a knife I like as an EDC, I have to get another as a backup! I know, I'm weird. It must be some kind of  obessive compulsive thing."


    LOL.  That's about how my collecting started.   Got one to use and wanted a spare.  Kinda went from there.  It's very rare that I have a user that I don't have one that's put up.

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    Craig Henry

    Yeah, that's pretty much the way I started collecting too waaay back when. Every few weeks I'd get another "using knife" until I had a boat load of "using knives". It all went downhill from there. 


    The weather was pretty decent today so I got my camera out....BOTH batteries were dead. Oh well. I really need to get a better indoor photie setup.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    I've had my eye on that RR844 for a while now. That looks really nice!
  • Tobias Gibson

    My only problem with the 844 was the way the location of the retaining strap and the fact that the snap would be pressed into the knife handle.  I didn't need that happening with the nice handle.    The strap also had a tendency to snag on the knife when drawing or returning it the sheath.  I decided to modify the sheath by carefully removing the strap and repositioning it.  It required a few steps.  When I review the knife, I'll explain what I did step by step.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry shows the RR844 for $, that's just silly.
  • Tobias Gibson

    When I got mine, I was trolling eBay looking at the things ZIX had for sale (Search his stuff by typing in Zix)  The 844 was sitting at something like  $5 with just a few minutes left.  Ithought well that's just silly.  I decided no one was going to get that knife for under $12 so I watched the bid and with around 20 seconds to spare I put in a $12.00 bid assuming for sure I would immediately be overbid. I really wasn't looking to buy the knife.  I just didn't want someone else getting for a low price.  The envy monster taught me a lesson.  The bid jumped to $8.00 and the clock ticked away, and then I got the message that I won.   


    That screwed up another bid that I was actually looking at because I now I didn't have enough in paypal to increase my bid on another knife if  the bid went up.  It went up and I lost. (I don't bid unless the money is already in Paypal)


    The 844 was a knife of spite for sometime because Ididn't get the knife I wanted simply because I was being mean to  another bidder.  I learned my lesson and no longer do "spite" bidding.  In the end I got a pretty good knife for a great price and I can't remember the knife I missed out on.  But at the time I was just kicking myself for being a jerk.


    But with the lesson learne my knife of spite transformed into a pretty darn good all around hunting knife that I got for a great price.  The God of knives is a forgiving God when you repent from your evil eBay ways. On;y bid on things you want because the next time  your bid of spite will get you this:


  • Tobias Gibson

    About those Damascus knives... After looking at them and almost pulling hte trigger, I backed off.   I figured if I bought one, I'd want them both.  That would've tied up $70-90. Are they worth that kind of money.  Yeah, probably.  Will they go  up in value.  I predict they will.  Short run, probably won't be made again, etc.


    But I don't buy Damscus, I'm not big on lock-backs, and Red bone is not my typical choice in handle material.  I can use the $70-90 to buy Rough Riders I do collect and leave the Damascus RR for those who actually collect those knives. 


    If someone would like to do a "Guest Review" of those knives, or any other RR,  to post on my Rough Rider Review page, I'd be happy to post it with along with all due credit going to you.  Just send me the words and pictures and I'll do the formatting and posting.   Rough Rider Reviews - ( )

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    Craig Henry

    The one Damascus lockbak will be enough for me. I want at least one Damascus knife, and I too am trying to stay away from lockbacks, except for one here and there. I did my time with contemporary/tactical lockbacks. Traditionalism is calling me again.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    And speaking of traditional's some of my new ones. I didn't polish them up, straight out of the box -

  • robert benton

    Does RR still make a fullsize trapper in stag
  • Jan Carter

    Looking really good there Craig

  • Billy Oneale

    Good looking knives, Craig. I love the look of that honey bark bone.

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    Craig Henry

    Thanks Billy, yeah, I think I'm going to have to get most of the "Trapper Series" now. They also have a "Dogleg Trapper" and a "Banana Boat Trapper" I'm anxious to the standard and mini Trapper.


    Thanks Jan!


    Robert, as far as I know, the genuine stag RRs are no longer being produced . You can still find various RR patterns in genuine stag around and about, but I haven't seen a standard Trapper in stag  for sometime. If you do ebay, maybe you could try there.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    How did I miss the  Electrician's knife (RR01141) in YELLOW handles?? I think I need to get one. I feel a yellow phase coming on.


    Let's see, that's four, count them, 4, Electricians knives they have listed now; Yellow RR01141, "Coal Miner" smooth black RR1138, jigged amber RR1139, and jigged red RR01140.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    I need to get some RR Sunfish. Tobacco bone first, then......yellow......and jigged amber.
  • Tobias Gibson

    In order to avoid bankruptcy, I try very hard to collect only within certain patterns.  As the electrician is not a normal pattern that I collect, I will avoid temptation and stick with just the Coal Miner.   But I do have to say, it was one heck of well built knife and is definitely worth the money.
  • Billy Oneale

    There are lots of RR patterns out there. I gave up and just buy the ones that catch my eye. I usually buy trappers, sunfish, whittlers and stockman. I do like the large toothpicks like the ones Toby collects. I'm not really stuck on one pattern.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Ah yes, Toothpicks.....then there's those. Rats, anyone know how to get a money tree to grow faster?
  • Billy Oneale

    Not yet.
  • Tobias Gibson

    The money tree isn't the problem.... Its the bill tree!


  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Oh yeah, unfortunately my bill tree grows a bit bigger almost everyday.
  • Jan Carter


    Ain't that the truth!!  Somehow the money tree never grows as fast as the bill tree

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    It's hard to look at a present then put it away till Christmas. Good
  • Jan Carter

    I agree.  VERY hard

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Yeah, I know. Isn't there a law that says if you see one of your Christmas presents, it's yours? Well, there should be.
  • Alexander Noot

    Nice Craig! I just heard from my supplier that he's putting in an order for one this week. It seems that there is a larger and a smaller version. Now that I hear that I'm thinking about ordering both.

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Sure is Alexander. I guess I should have mentioned that!


    RR1021 - "Small" 3 3/8" closed

    RR1020 - "Large" 4" closed


    Did I say somewhere that they have "red" jigged bone??? If I did, I shouldn't have. Right there in BIG letters on SMKW's site it says clearly; "Brown Jigged Bone Handle"! It was so clear it's a good thing it wasn't a snake!! I thought too I read on another forum that they are red.  I guess that's why when I got mine yesterday I thought "Man, it sure looks like a nice brown."! Kind of a pretty red-brown, but definitly brown.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    What's the hottest RR knife for a Chirstmas present right now? First, for an adult, male, female and youth of the same.

  • robert benton

    Craig, The damascus lockback sure is nice aint it, i am ordering another one to replace the one that i have with the broken lock. The larger one the dealer who i do my business with is ordering it from blue ridge.