iKC Arsenal Hosted By Charles Sample

A Group for members who believe in and use their 2nd amendment right. A place to show, share and discuss the firearms collected and enjoyed by fellow members. 

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  • Jan Carter


    You are correct, eventually they will come for everything it is how they have done it in the UK.  They even just slid another gun law in place that no one knew was coming.

    When they finished with the guns they have gone after the knives.

    I do not want to see us join in the slip and slide down hill they want to do.

    I am actually thinking of buying my 10 year old grandson his first rifle.  I wouldn't let him use it yet, he needs to get better with the BB's first.  I am afraid by the time I start buying what he can use I wont be able too :(

    so what am I looking for this summer?

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    Charles Sample

    Jan, if it isn't too much for you, I would recommend buying two guns for him now.  I would get a single shot .22 rifle and a Ruger 10/22 semi automatic rifle.  When you feel he is ready give him the single shot.  When he proves himself with it, give him the 10/22.

    The reason I say this is because part of the push now is to ban semi automatic rifles and pistols.  I don't think they can get that now but they will keep trying.  After the next shooting and there will be a next shooting no matter what laws they pass, who knows what they will be able to push through.

    Just a side note here.  Semi automatic rifles have been around since 1885, semi automatic pistols since 1892.  So why have these mass shootings only become prominent in recent times?  Just ask yourself, what has changed in this country in the last 30 or 40 years?

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    Charles Sample

    I just read the text of House Bill H.R.5087.  If this monstrosity becomes law, the anti freedom, anti gun socialists will have made a gigantic leap forward in their agenda.  And remember you can't depend on the Republicans or Trump to kill it.  Both have shown they will cave.  The bill pretty much bans AR15's and many similar guns.  The bill contains a very long list of what is banned.  What makes the bill even more onerous is that it lists what we are allowed to own.  Now if you read the bill it seems like a long list of what we are allowed to own.  But look at it this way.  If you want to want something that is not on that approved list, whether it is a rifle, shotgun, or pistol, whether it is rim fire or center fire, whether it is semiautomatic, bolt action, pump action, lever action,or single shot, you will not be allowed to buy it.  And after the next shooting and there will be a next shooting no matter what laws are passed, I can hear them saying,"It wasn't enough.  We must register those semi automatics. We must know who has them."  And once they have that approved list, it will be a simple matter to drop guns off it a few at a time until we have almost nothing left.

    So this bill makes it imperative for all gun owners to join GOA and/or NRA.  If we are going to beat this back, we must go on the offense!

    Here is the link to the bill.


  • Jan Carter


    I think there is a long term plan here.  I have a single shot 22 (or a couple LOL).  That will be his next step.  By years end Donnie wants a pump 20 gauge in the safe and a semi auto also.  Whether the bans get to those points before he is old enough to be gifted the guns or not, we will be ahead of the game for him to have them and hunt.  I cannot believe this country is in such a state that I have to be able to see years into the future to secure my grandsons rights.

    I read an article a friend wrote recently that said, if we don not stand up now we will leave our grandchildren with nothing to stand up for.  That is one the truest and saddest statements I have heard in quite some time

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    Charles Sample

    Yes Jan there is a long term plan here and it is very sad.  The socialists have an ultimate goal of destroying America and turning it into the USSR, the United States Socialist Republic.  America and full socialism cannot coexist.  They are totally incompatible.  Every country that has gone full socialist has brought nothing to the people but poverty and loss of freedom.  Just look at Cuba, the old USSR (Russia), North Korea, and China.  Why does anyone think socialism would work any better here than in any of those countries?  The one thing standing in the way of the socialists converting America into the USSR is our well armed populous.  That is why their long term goal is to disarm the people.  If they can get H. R. 5087 passed and into law, they will have taken a giant step in that direction.  And if they get it, they will not stop.  They will immediately start working on the next step.  They know they can do it all at once.  They are incrementalists.  They take whatever they can get whenever they can get it.  What ever you give them, they always come back for more.  That is why you can't compromise with them.  You have to fight them every step of the way.

  • Clint Thompson

    I have been out of State with no real connection so I am behind in my reading. I know what Charles is thinking. If we lose our second amendment we will never get it back. It will never happen. Here is why. To abolish any amendment it takes 75% of the House and Senate to vote this to a starting point. Then 75% of the States, not population based, have to ratify. That means 13 States say no and then it is no. Right now we have about 44 States will say no. To modify our rights with restrictions is possible but will be by States like the Ultra Liberal California has done with the AR. There are several things we can do to protect our right to keep and bear arms but here are three of the big ones.


    1. Join the NRA. Sign up your sons, daughters, grandkids and great grandkids.
    2. Join the drive to compel the forming of the Convention of States( Article V). Read about this at:


                    Read up about this move. It has been started by Constitutional minded people like Mark Levin. Go

                    to their Face Book Page, groans here, like and follow. In this way you will be up to date.

    1. Write a letter, hand written is best, to your U.S. Congressman and Senator. Calls and emails have little effect but if you write a “letter”…..remember these….they have to handle it, open it, and write one back to you. And…and if you want to cause real concern, ask at least four questions using bullet points. This means they can’t use their “rat-hole” mass answer letter to reply to yours.


    So if you are serious about our Second Amendment then this is what you do. In Oklahoma, where I live, our Federal Representatives and Senators know how we feel. To prove this point…Oklahoma was the ONLY State wherein not a single county voted for Obama in either election. We are the Crimson State and Proud of it.

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    Charles Sample

    Clint, I agree with you 100 percent on joining the NRA and writing letters.  I would add also join GOA.  It is only $20 a year and is another strong voice for us.  However I am ambivalent about the Convention of States.  How do we control what changes are made?  How do we know that only the changes we want will be made?  On the Second Amendment, I agree that there is little or no likelihood that it would be taken off the books.  But it doesn't have to be taken off the books to be rendered meaningless and useless.  If Hillary had been elected, she would have appointed a rabid socialist like herself to the Supreme Court.  That would have given the socialists a 5-4 majority.  And in eight years of Hillary, she would probably have had the opportunity to appoint one or two more justices.  We could easily have ended up with a 7-2 socialist majority.  Then it would have been at least 40 or 50 years if ever before we would have had a conservative ruling from the Court.  All they would have had to do was run a case to the Court and have the Second Amendment declared not an individual right.  Then only the government would have the right to have guns.  During her campaign Hillary said the Court made a mistake when they declared the Second Amendment was an individual right.  And she vowed that when she was elected she would fix that.

  • Ron Dumeah

  • Jan Carter

    Thank you Ron, I knew this was happening but I could not find the link to the particulars.  I hate this!  I know someone started the fight on your side of the fence about knives...I pray someone takes this up also

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    A few Remingtons.

    Rem 700 BDL Bull barrel floated & chambered for 22-250 cartridge with a Nikon 6.5~20 .. reach out & touch something. My best shot ..verified via rangefinder is a big mama praire dog @ 430 ~ 432 yards.

     Remington RH 36 & RH 51 straight knives. 

    There are Mikov & Buck 112 auto's as backup.

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    Charles Sample

    Very nice outfit Dale!

  • J.J. Smith III

    Hunting is pretty much out, for me, anymore, but I can still enjoy my handguns.  Picked up my first Ruger this past week.  Can't wait for some range time.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Nice Ruger, JJ.


    Ruger makes nice firearms !!!


    Also .. thanks for the kind comment, Charles.

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    Charles Sample

    J. J., I have a Ruger LCP also.  It has been one half of my EDC for several years now.  The other half is a Smith & Wesson Model 637 Airweight .38 snub.

  • Jan Carter

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    Charles Sample

    Apparently it is true Jan.  He is Sharpton's half brother.  He didn't actually fire the shot that killed the woman.  His partner did.  But under Alabama law he is culpable in the murder.  But it does again demonstrate the hypocrisy of the gun grabbers.  They want to take everybody else's guns but keep theirs. 

  • Mike

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    Charles Sample

    A couple of nice ones there Mike.  Thanks for posting.

  • Jan Carter

    This afternoon Donnie and I were watching a momma bear cruise the house directly below us.  I text my friend below that house to keep an eye out and next thing I know she is sending me a pic of her own visitor, the cub

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    Jeremy B. Buchanan

    Always love seeing animals in nature, but that might be a little close for comfort.

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    Charles Sample

    It should be alright as long as you don't get between momma and the cub!

  • Jan Carter

    Well Momma Bear and baby have been around daily now.  A neighbor on the other side of the mountain has a pear tree and they are eating their fill...everyday LOL  But they are not the only wildlife out and about right now

    Image may contain: tree, grass, outdoor and nature

    The turkey's have been making appearances also.  With the days averaging 83 and the nights 63, even the trees are thinking fall has begun.  The Orb spiders, the wolf spiders the web worms are out in full force.  Thankfully I have not been seeing the slithering side of this coin but I understand from yard maint folks that they too are out in full force.

    What about your places?  Is fall coming in early?

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    Charles Sample

    It doesn't feel a bit like fall here now.  Right now the temp is 94 and because of the humidity feels like 99!  We still get temps in the 90's in September.

  • Jan Carter

    Charles, that is what we SHOULD be experiencing.  Now do not get me wrong, I am in a little bit of heaven and afraid the heat is going to come on strong.  I do however see mother nature dropping nuts and getting animals ready.  NOAA says wet and above normal temps.  Farmers Almanac says we will get our first frost Oct 15.  A full month earlier than normal.  But they also say we will have a tropical storm Sept 7-16 

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    Charles Sample

    Jan, what few acorns my oak tree has on it aren't fully grown yet.

  • Jan Carter

    Well Charles it seems we have lost one of our Bears over the weekend

    Image may contain: cat, outdoor and nature

    I know whoever hit it sustained some damages also.  Folks when your out driving in the woods stay alert, it is not always Bambi that jumps out in front of you

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    Charles Sample

    That is too bad Jan.  Can't tell from the picture, nothing to compare to.  Was it one of the cubs or is it full grown?

  • Jan Carter

    One of the cub.  We are beginning to suspect it was our 2 year old.  I do hate it as we have watched him grow and he knew where to get the peaches, pears, and berries so we did see him often in the fall.  I was not however looking forward to having a second male on our mountain.  That usually does not go well.  I certainly would have rather had one of the rehomed 

  • Jan Carter

    Well the good news is it was neither our Momma or 2 year old.  We have videoed them both on the mountain in the last week.  A large male has also now made his presence known.  With the temps falling this week they are all out searching for the last bits of food available.

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    Charles Sample

    Glad to hear that Jan.

  • Jan Carter

    6 Hot New SIG Sauer Guns for 2019

    At a range event in the desert outside Las Vegas before SHOT Show 2019SIG Sauer gave firearm media members a glimpse of the company's new-for-2019 lineup. From the collection of guns assembled, it's clear that SIG's focusing on compact, personal-defense handguns as well as compact, suppressor-ready carbines and MSR-style pistols. Here are six hot, new guns we saw at the SIG Range Day in 2019:  READ MORE

  • Jan Carter

  • Philip C. Frank Jr

    Hello All. Thank you for the warm welcome

    As I stated in my profile, I'm not a knife collector, or actually a collector of anything. I believe I would be more accurately described as an "accumulator" or another way of putting it, "gatherer of stuff in largish piles" most of which is usually just that, "stuff". I have a couple of knives that I acquired over the years and was curious about the value so found this site and joined up.

    Guns have been pretty much my life since I was old enough to know what one was, which would have started in the mid/late 1940s.

    As you can see my photo is of an FN-FAL G-1 version, DuraCoated in German Gray/Green.

    However, as much as I like my FAL I have reverted to my childhood and am now, finally, able to afford and shoot the 22s I lusted after in my youth. I am mainly focusing on the 22s made before 1964 or so, with ZERO interest in the 10-22.

    I have a very eclectic interest in guns and at any moment anything can attract my interest, except "tactical". Nothing at all against it, it just doesn't hold any interest for me. I just recently, year or two ago, ended my third iteration of the AR love affair and that will be the last one. I was able to come to some definite conclusions about the AR platform as it relates to me and decided it doesn't, so except for an H-Bar and an M-4 configured AR-15 ( I think they are still somewhere in the back of the safe) my "black" gun days are done.

    I don't do ANY social media nor do I have a cell phone. It was difficult enough for those around me  to drag me kicking and screaming to learn the bare bones basics of operating a computer. Yeah, I'm an old dinosaur. Oh well.

    I guess this old man's ramblings have gone on long enough. Once again thank you all for the warm welcome.

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    Charles Sample

    Phillip, thank you for joining the Arsenal group and thank you for posting.   You and I are about the same age.  I was born in 1946.  I like guns also and was into guns before I was into knives.  I have never done the AR thing.  The closest I have to an AR is an SKS.

    I do have a cell phone but it is a bare bones little flip phone.  My seven year old grandson keeps telling me I need to get a smart phone but I do not want one.  I come from an era when our telephone was a big wooden box hanging on the wall with a crank on the side.  And we were on a party line with about ten other people.

    I like .22's also.  I have five, three pistols and two rifles.  I do have a 10-22 but I also have a rifle that might be interesting to you.  It is a Marlin Golden 39A Mountie.  According to the serial number it was manufactured in 1967.  It has had many thousands of rounds fired through it.


  • Philip C. Frank Jr

    Interesting that you mentioned the Mountie, and especially the accompanying photos. Sometime in 65 or 66 the wife and I were living in an apartment in Loveland and became acquainted with another apartment dweller  who was a gun nut also. Back then we were poor as church mice, (really haven't improved much) so our entertainment was a weekly trip to a farmers dump east of town out in the dryland, to shoot misc. junk and towards evening, after they became active, rats. At the time I had the 1st 10-22 that was shipped to Loveland and an OLD, WORN REM M-12 that worked most of  the time. One day we invited the neighbor to come along and lo and behold he had a Mountie, virtually identical to your photos, sling, receiver sight and all. Unfortunately the barrel had a ring in it but that did not seem to affect the accuracy even a tiny bit. Martin, the neighbor, let my wife shoot the Mountie. When she finished the 1st magazine she turned to me and said, "I really like this gun". WOOHOO! I was working for less than $2.00 an hour but I went down and put a Mountie on lay-away. If I recall correctly, I paid $72.00 for it. Took a while to pay off. Gave it to her for Christmas. She would consistently out shoot me with that little rifle.

    Many years later I purchased a REM 40-X Sporter, repeater, and set it up with a Leupold 3x9AO mounted in Buehler base and rings, Canjar single set trigger and found a case of WIN pistol match ammo that it loved. I made a set of swinger silhouette targets, the scaled down version of the full sized silhouette targets,  and  when we would have  time, we would shoot these targets. Sad to say, but she would invariably out shoot me. The longer it went, the madder I got and, naturally, my shooting deteriorated in direct proportion to my anger. Understand, my anger was NOT at her, just the fact that here I had this hoity-toity deluxe model rifle and she was showing me how it was done with just a plain old iron sighted Mountie shooting cheapo WIN Wildcat ammo.

    Well, here it is 50+ years later, she still has the Mountie, the REM is long gone and I would wager she could still outshoot me with whatever I chose to use.

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    Charles Sample

    Phillip, my wife used to shoot my Marlin too.  She isn't able to get out now but when she was, she was a good shot with it.  One day I was standing behind her watching her target with binoculars.  The target was set up at the 25 yard range.  She was putting every shot in or close to the 10 ring.   The interesting part was I could watch every bullet she fired on its way down range to the target.

    I had the Marlin set up that way because my son was in JROTC in high school.  He was on the rifle team.  They used Anschutz target rifles supplied by the Army.  I equipped the sights on the Marlin as close as I could to what he was shooting on the rifle team so he could practice on his own.  His junior year he was the top individual shooter in the North Alabama Rifle league.  He beat another kid from another high school by an average of half a point.  That kid later went to the Air Force Academy and made the rifle team there.  My son's senior year another kid on his own team beat him for high shooter honors by a total of seven points.  So since each shot was worth ten points, that means the difference between them for the whole season was less than one shot.

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    Dick's Sporting Goods will remove guns from 125 stores amid slumping sales, reports say



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    Charles Sample

    I will never buy another thing from Dicks. I used to buy quite a bit from them.

  • Jan Carter

    I am thinking Charles they may indeed be up against that from a number of previous customers.  I feel like they used slumping sales to get away from saying because we don't want to sell them.  I have not heard any company with slumping gun and ammo sales.

  • Rome D. Rushing

    I picked up a couple of handguns yesterday, didn't really need them

    but was helping out a friend.

    The first one is a Llama 4" blue steel .38spl revolver,with adjustable

    sights and resembles a S&W model 15. I am not to sure as to the

    quality of the gun. Its finish is not bad not colt or s&w quality but not

    bad.Came with a box of 158 grain round nosed lead ammo with 4 missing

    which from the looks of the gun may be all it was fired.

    The other gun was a Ruger LCP in .380. It has box and all with it and I am not

    sure it was ever fired.

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    Charles Sample

    Rome, the only Llama I ever had was a .22 pistol.  it was basically a scaled down 1911.  It was a nice little gun.  I liked carrying it when out and about in the woods and fields.  Wish I still had it.  I also have a Ruger LCP.  It is one of my two EDC's.  I carry both it and a S&W Model 637 Airweight .38 snub with Crimson Trace laser grips.

  • Rome D. Rushing

    I have had a Llama before it was a .380 which was the same size and looks at your .22 and it was a good gun.  But I carried it more than shot it so I don't know had long it would have lasted.  From looking on the net all I can find out is some people love them and some people hate them.  I think this one needs a good internal cleaning and then a little shooting.

    Ruger has a reputation that can't be questioned so the LCP is of course a fine gun, but I have a Kel-Tec P3AT that I carry.  I guess I can rotate them for EDC.

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    Charles Sample

    Just wanted to share this picture of the sunset.

  • Jan Carter


    WOW what a sunset!

    This happened yesterday.  She ate her way up the road and came up through the lower road to the backyard.  She has been here at least once a day for a week or so, even when Donnie is out with the forge running.  Sometimes with 3 others but mostly by herself

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    Charles Sample

    Jan, if you want to keep her coming, put out a block of salt.

  • Jan Carter


    The mineral block is out the other side of the house, I thought about one over here also.  Still too much of the summer to go to put out any corn, our bear likes it too much.  I like to put it out in the winter as we have asked the hunters not to shoot on our property.  The locals agree, from our standpoint, you are always shooting toward a road or a home but the others that come in from the USFS property tend not to care.  If we keep corn our during season they cannot hunt it

  • Jan Carter

    https://getdrip.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/image_upload/image/566988/..." alt="Gun Digest magazine"/>

  • Jan Carter

    Got this in an email this morning, thought I would share

  • Clint Thompson

    Thank you Jan for posting the Gun Digest sale price. This is an excellent publication. I have not written for them but I have read the magazine many times. Consumers who enjoy reading print about their firearms and cutting devices is declining each year. The vast majority of everyone from 14 to 50 go the their "not so smart devices" to look for information about firearms, knives, hunting. YouTube is one of the top places they visit. But for less than $10 for a year, this is a value. I believe, and I have my own webpage on firearms and knives, I will check this out for a one year trial.