Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Luca Vignelli


    Perhaps we can have some made with and some without writing on the shield, as this is not an officialy sanctioned iKC knife, but rather a more personal project I started within the community of iKC. I also wouldn't want to compete with the upcoming official 2011 iKC knife. I have a nagging concern that if any members decided to sell their knives in the future, a knife with an iKC/GEC shield may appeal to a smaller group of potential buyers than one with a plain shield, even though it is a limited run knife.

    I welcome your input and will include your request in the estimate request to GEC.

    On another note do you think the knives should be serialized or not? I had neglected to think about that in the specs. Thoughts?


  • Luca Vignelli


    So glad to hear you've got the "get er done" attitude! Today I sent an email requesting a formal estimate for the minimum fifty piece order and the payment details.  Also asked for details on a larger order, if we can swing it. Just sitting here waiting for a response from GEC which I'd expect should come soon. I hope GEC is paying attention to us here, haven't checked the GEC/iKC group members list to see if any of them are personally on here, other than Ken who is one of their distributors and he's on board! Let's work on getting some more members up for this, one at a time.

    I'm on it!


  • Luca Vignelli

    Oh, and we're up to eleven so far. I figure some folks are waiting to get some more info before they sign on. For some reason our fellow iKC members on the Elephant Toenail Collectors Club group haven't signed on so fast, except for one. One day this will be a vintage knife they can all be proud to own... I'm planning on ageing with this knife in hand!
  • Luca Vignelli

    I'm definitely going to buy more than one, just waiting to see what the price will be and weighing that against what I can afford. Don't we all do that all the time!!! I feel like one of those old statues of "Justice" with the balance scales dangling from her hand, except I'm a him.
  • Jan Carter

    Max,  OK, a COA distinguishing it as an IKC/GEC would work.

    Luca,  I know that Chris views this blog.  She is pretty good, she keeps track of whats going on in the online community.  I think VMan keeps track also.  We are up to 90 members.  YAHOO!!!

  • Luca Vignelli

    Just waiting for Chris and GEC to respond, then we'll get the ball rolling on this project. I'll let you all know by posting here when I hear the news and get the info we need.
  • Jan Carter


    Thanks for the update and again I appreciate your taking the initative on this.  With members like you, being proactive on here, we may all have the opportunity to own a special GEC knife.

  • Chris Stookey

    Hello everyone!


    I just thought that I'd take a second to share my latest GEC with all of you. It's a real nice one...


  • Chris Stookey

    By the way...I'm up for one of those iKC/GEC's. Count me in!
  • Luca Vignelli

    OK now we're twelve so far. Let's just give our memebers and GEC some time to respond.
  • Jan Carter


    Nice new addition, great color.  Going in your pocket or the collection?

  • Chris Stookey

    This one is going in the collection. I just can't stand the idea of ruining that beautiful stag. I usually have a lot of stuff in my pocket...and metal tends to wear the daylights out of just about everything that isn't steel...
  • Rusty R Halsey

    That IKC/GEC sunfish sounds pretty nice.  Put me down for one, please.
  • Luca Vignelli

    OK Rusty, you're on the list now! We're up to fourteen pieces so far, let's keep it going! Spread the word, drum up some interest.
  • Jim McLeod

    Thank you to all who have sent me welcome helps to feel I'll need a few days to become familiar with the navigation on the site to really participate,but in the mean time........


    Luca please add me to the IKC/GEC Sunfish list for one please.

  • Luca Vignelli

    OK Jim, welcome to the group and you're now on the list for the iKC/GEC Sunfish.
  • Luca Vignelli

    Good news! I spoke with Chris Tucker at GEC again this morning and we should have a firm estimate from Bill Howard (the President) in hand by the end of next week, more or less, on our custom order GEC Sunfish. I asked them to quote us prices on the knife as specified in quantities of 50, the minimum, 100 and also 150 pieces so that we can see how much the price drop is by quantity ordered. As soon as I have the quotes I'll post the info, and I know that will help us get more people interested in signing on.
  • Luca Vignelli

    Greg was very kind in posting a blurb on his blog about our knife and has allowed me to post our call for all interested parties to sign up for this knife. That should definitely bring more people here to sign on! Hopefully our group will grow as well!


  • Jan Carter

    How many do we have Luca?
  • Luca Vignelli

    Jan, So far we have promissed orders for 16 knives from fourteen people. I'm sure that number will grow after the end of next week when we get firm prices per unit.
  • falah gumilar

    hi, count me in!


  • Luca Vignelli

    OK, Falah you're on the list. We're now up to 16 people and 18 knives as two people want two each!
  • Tom C



    Count me in for one or two depending on price point



  • james childers

    hey guys count me in
  • Luca Vignelli

    Tom and James, I now have you on the list and that makes 18 people with 21 knives ordered. I am expecting to have price quotes by the end of the week for 50, 100, and 150 knives so we'll see what the price breaks are and how much interest we can generate.
  • Jan Carter

    21 so far...Luca your doing great.  Anyone else?
  • Jan Carter

    Have any of you checked out the IKC dogs blog?  Pretty nice
  • Jan Carter

    Been so quiet in here we almost fell off the front page!
  • Luca Vignelli

    Hey, I'm already thinking of special project #2, once we get this one good and done. Anybody else's wheels spinning?
  • Luca Vignelli

    I know, it's awfully quiet given that we have an exciting project going forward. Wrote to Chris this past Friday, but they hadn't managed to put a price quote together for us yet, they surely will though. That aught to liven things up a bit when they do!
  • Jan Carter

    Anyone going to Dalton Ga next month for NKCA?

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    @Jan- I wouldn't miss it for the world- biggest fireworks display since 4th of July.
  • Jan Carter

    LOL, your propably right AScott.  I am actualy going to miss it I think.  The grand babies are coming here that weekend.  Is anyone else going this year?

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Not sure. Know Gary Kennedy is
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Jan - Roger Cunningham and myself are going to be there
  • Chris Stookey

    The eastern folks get a great opportunity due to your proximity! Lucky! Out west we aren't quite so fortunate.
  • Gary Kennedy

    Come one come all to the NKCA show in Dalton Ga. Might be very insteresting. Board meeting at  the close of the show on Friday .  Chis maybe we could put in for a show out west what do you think.
  • Roger Cunningham

    Gary,This months Knives Illustrated Bruce Voyles has a story of the only NKCA show that was held out west in the 70`s.Good read.

  • Jan Carter


    Good info I will have to read that also.  Anyone going to the meeting on Fri night, please advise our westerners want a show

  • Luca Vignelli

    OK here we go! Just received the estimate for our custom order GEC #36 UN-X-LD all steel sunfish with polished black buffalo horn handles, UN-X-LD stamped main blade, steel pins, a plain "cloud" shield, non serialized, and with a C.O.A.! Unfortunately there is no price break for 50/100/or 150 knives and there is a $500 surcharge for set up on any special order under 100 knives.

    If we order 50 knives total our price per unit will be $114.73 plus FedEx shipping added at time of shipment. If we have enough people who sign up and we make it to 100 knives the set up fee surcharge will be dropped and our price per unit will drop to $104.73 plus FedEx shipping added at time of shipment.

    They require a 50% deposit with balance due at time of shipment, BUT I believe that it would be much simpler, both for them and for us, to pay GEC in full in advance at the time of ordering. I'll work this out with GEC and keep everyone posted. I'll also get a firm price on the shipping so that we have no surprises later and so that we can pay them the full amount in advance.

    Do not send in any money to GEC for your order yet. First we must reach the minimum order of 50 pieces and we are at 21 only so far. Perhaps we may even be able to reach the 100 piece mark, now that we have a firm price quote in hand. 

    If you contacted me before, and 18 of you did, please reconfirm your order with me so that I can keep track of everyone, and also please confirm the amount of pieces you will be interested in ordering.

    OK folks, let's get it done! I personally can't wait! Tell your friends!

  • Jim McLeod

    Still with you too............




  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    You can count me in for two Luca. Thanks Richard
  • Ken Mundhenk

    Luca I'm still in. Thanks
  • falah gumilar



    I'm still in for 1, thanks for the update.




    Sounds great luca I'm still in. Thanks JJ
  • Jan Carter

    Count us in
  • james childers

    count me in for one
  • Rusty R Halsey

    Still sounds good - count me in for one!
  • Luca Vignelli

    Just reposting this to keep it on the front page here:

    OK here we go! Just received the estimate for our custom order GEC #36 UN-X-LD all steel sunfish with polished black buffalo horn handles, UN-X-LD stamped main blade, steel pins, a plain "cloud" shield, non serialized, and with a C.O.A.! Unfortunately there is no price break for 50/100/or 150 knives and there is a $500 surcharge for set up on any special order under 100 knives.
    If we order 50 knives total our price per unit will be $114.73 plus FedEx shipping added at time of shipment. If we have enough people who sign up and we make it to 100 knives the set up fee surcharge will be dropped and our price per unit will drop to $104.73 plus FedEx shipping added at time of shipment.
    They require a 50% deposit with balance due at time of shipment, BUT I believe that it would be much simpler, both for them and for us, to pay GEC in full in advance at the time of ordering. I'll work this out with GEC and keep everyone posted. I'll also get a firm price on the shipping so that we have no surprises later and so that we can pay them the full amount in advance.
    Do not send in any money to GEC for your order yet. First we must reach the minimum order of 50 pieces and we are at 21 only so far. Perhaps we may even be able to reach the 100 piece mark, now that we have a firm price quote in hand.
    If you contacted me before, and 18 of you did, please reconfirm your order with me so that I can keep track of everyone, and also please confirm the amount of pieces you will be interested in ordering.
    OK folks, let's get it done! I personally can't wait! Tell your friends!
  • Alan

    Luca, Still in for (2)