Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • johnny twoshoes

  • Luca Vignelli

    You sure were Johnny!  Love it as a start! Now I want to see them go bigger, the Sr. size not the Jr. and I want them to go wood and bone on this and stag for those of you who like it too. Anyone out there know what the positive qualities of 01 Wando Tool Steel are, 'cause I don't, compared to? But sounds like a true work knife steel to me. Please elucidate... How many are in this factory test run? Who has them? This, and it's hopefully future big brother, should be a GEC mainstay, made better than anyone else out there could do, and in plain and fancy models. Sign me up! Linerlock too, a must!!! Consider the market research done, I'm sold. Stop testing and start producing! Redneck orange? Would black be City Slicker Black? I'll take it, and love it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That White Owl is very close to a moose pattern. They should have called it a White

  • Jan Carter


    Robert I will surely be pulling for a new moose for you soon.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Thank's Craig, I guess I saw that, but I do need new glasses. And yes, I have purchased from there in the past and been satisfied. Robert and Jan, I don't have a Moose, never held one, but sure as hell want to see more made. I think it's a pattern I could take a true liking to. I love the equal end cigar style, just as I like the new smaller #68. A Moose has two perfect blades, the clip and the spear, and for me that's an all in one, and it's just the right length for me.

  • johnny twoshoes

    I agree Luca, I would love to see a bigger one to match his little brother. That would be an awesome work knife set, I love the introduction of this pattern for GEC. I think they will nock this one out of the park, another great pattern passed through GEC production.

    They have nailed everything so far, so I can't wait to see this one.  

  • johnny twoshoes

    That steel sounds tough:

    WANDO belongs to that class of oil-hardening tool steels known as non-deforming steels. It will develop full hardness on oil quenching from a relatively low temperature with minimum volume change, hence non-deforming. It is a general-purpose tool and die steel. Among its many applications are dies for many purposes, shear blades, taps and reamers.

  • Tom Peterson

    I'm not familiar with WANDO but O-1 has been around for a long time. Randall Made Knives here in Orlando uses it on their non-stainless blades and it seems to be a real workhorse. I don't know why it was chosen by Mike at CK over the 1095 that GEC regularly uses unless it was to keep the price down?

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Great info on the steel, Johnny!  If it is used to cut other steel, mere wood and bone will be no obstacle.  I may have to get one just to try it out.

  • johnny twoshoes

    I just looked it up to see what it was all about, honestly it sounded like a foreign steel, but I know GEC wouldn't do that. It may have a funny name, but I wouldn't mess with it, it sounds great. 

  • Luca Vignelli

    Just posted a new discussion up above. Chime in and let us know what you think!

  • Jan Carter

    just saw...we have 140 members in here and just today hit 1000 comments.  I love being a part of this wonderful and active group.  Thanks everyone for making this so much fun everyday!!!

  • Luca Vignelli

    Fresh! Spiral Cut Buffalo Horn GEC Northfield #46 , one of 9 made December 2011, unserialized.  I'll take a better picture in the daylight...

  • Billy Oneale

    That looks pretty good to me, Luca. That spiral horn looks great.
  • johnny twoshoes

    Luca, that is a beauty for sure, love the long pulls on the Northfields. Another great specimen of GEC quality!!!

  • Jan Carter

  • tom white

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to everone ,got me a 72 pattern today ,and hope santa is good to everyone ,TOM@KAY

  • Jan Carter

    Yea!!!  a 72    wooohooo.  Tried to call yesterday Thomas


  • johnny twoshoes

    Merry Christmas to everyone, God Bless and be safe this holiday season!!!

  • Vicky Kirchoff

    Merry Christmas and to all a good knife! ;)

  • johnny twoshoes

    I got some GEC stuff to share, but we'll see tomorrow about knives. I can't wait to get pics. : )

  • Jan Carter

    A Beavertail has come to see me!!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    A sweet little Bullwinkle Moose in burnt stag has made it home in Cajun land.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Me too Jan!!!!

    I can't wait to share.

  • Luca Vignelli

    I saw this on he GEC website in the "What's Happenning Today" section and I thought it curious. I am eager to see what their new "Lumberjack" pattern will be, hoping it will be big, and I saw this photo, identified as "lumberjack spear and pen blade design pieces". Well, those look like Whaler blades to me, so I'm wondering whether the "Lumberjack" will be a Whaler variant, or maybe the phot was just mislabeled? Hmmmm... very curious.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Maybe the Lumberjack will be a Whaler with some sort of jigged wooden handles??? Maybe it will be a Whaler with a Jack set up? The anticipation is getting to me. I love these hints that GEC drops on us, now I'm hungry for more! Wait, is that a #26 or #36 main blade on top of the #46 main blade, or is it just the regular #46 pen blade? Now I have to go and look and compare the photo below to my knives...

  • Luca Vignelli

    Robert, you made me want a Moose! I want a Moose! I think I need a Moose! Anybody else out there want and need a Moose? More Moose please... I can't get the Moose out of my head. I'm in the mood for Moose!

  • Jan Carter

    What do you think about something along the lines of an old clasp knife.  A modified version of course but maybe?

  • Luca Vignelli

    Thinking about it, but my hallucinations below might not be such a bad idea, something new and completely over the top, but in a good way. Now I don't want to offend any purists here, but what if GEC made a new variant of the #46 Whaler and replaced the smaller pen blade with a full size #36 main blade in a Moose configuration, or maybe even in a Jackknife configuration too??? Wow, would that be cool! Two monster blades on one frame, "two great tastes that taste great together..." Then they could call it the "Jumbo Jack"!!! I like that idea, and I think the name is really catchy! The Jumbo Jack! Hey, if they made one, I'd be the first in line to get one!

  • Jim McLeod

    Luca ...

    I place my #85 main blade on top of the #46 and it looks to be a darn good fit and similarity to the picture.

  • Jan Carter

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Luca, Bulldog did something similar in '03 or '04, made muskrat, trapper and congress style sunfish.  I have one of the muskrats (see pic below).  Imagine a muskrat with 2 fat clip blades!  The congress was pretty wild with 4 big blades.  Of course those were all with the normal #36 size blades.  A #46 muskrat or congress would be mind boggling!

    Handmade, if I remember right, Jan's knife has smooth bone handles and is pretty rare.

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Crud, I probably just sinned by posting a pic of a non-GEC knife here.  If anyone objects, I will remove it (if I can figure out how).  Sorry

  • Jan Carter


    Smooth white oiled bone and they were done at a local engraver.  The other side has a whaling ship.

    RUSTY, LOL...I have the power to remove it but it is quite alright.  We are all GEC lovers but thats because we are knive lovers first

  • Billy Oneale

    Nice knife to both of you. I love Bulldog's also.i sure love the Whaler even though I don't have one yet.
  • Jan Carter

    Rusty, what handle is on that Bulldog, I like it

  • johnny twoshoes

    Well I think this knife will be perfect for Luca, but I'll pass. I just can't see carrying around something that big, but everyone knows I like the small knives.

    Hey, I'm still hoping it's a peanut.

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Jan, that is Bulldog's version of bone stag, cow bone carved to resemble stag.  I've not seen this style of bone stag anywhere else, even on other Bulldogs, except for the other sunfish made in the trapper and congress style. 

  • Jan Carter


    Well we knew it would be a possibilty at some point.  Great Partnerships dont last forever.  Bill Howard is a wonderful knife maker and we look forward to seeing Great Easterns continued success.  On a personal note we will greatly miss Ken Daniels.  He is a one of kind true gentleman with deep roots in the knife community.  I know we will see him soon


    Think Ryan is staying?????  Hope so.

  • Jan Carter

    I am hoping to speak with Chris tomorrow.  Just too late to call her tonight

  • johnny twoshoes

    Wow, I'm really surprised to hear this. I thought that Ken really was GEC, or a least a big part of it. I enjoyed talking with him at the Rendezvous a couple years ago. I think it would be a big loss if Ryan left as well.

    I think GEC will continue to be the best, but I'm still confused!!! ????

    Jan, please let us know what Christine has to say.

  • Tom Peterson

    I got the same email from TSA. That is truly disappointing news. Does this mean I need to start collecting Tuna Valley Cutlery knives too? I have one of their stockman already. My credit card balance is already mimicking the national debt clock! What happened to Perry at Space Coast Cutlery who had been selling the TV knives? This might get see what direction each company will now head in.

  • Rusty R Halsey

    You guys are too cryptic or I'm too simple.  I had to go to another site to discover that Ken sold his shares of GEC and bought the rights to Tuna Valley Cutlery.

  • Luca Vignelli

    I think that as GEC fans, or fanatics, we owe a great deal of thanks to the two founders, Bill Howard and Ken Daniels, and all of the men and women (Chris, especially) who helped them realize their vision together. Now that Ken is striking out on his own with Tuna Valley, I'm looking forward to supporting his efforts there, while continuing my love affair with GEC and Bill Howard's work there, knowing that the standards both men set for their work are the highest in the industry. I wish them both a happy and fruitful 2012.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Actually, I'm just surprised that Ken didn't sell his shares in GEC to Jan or Tom! Chuckle, chuckle...

  • Jan Carter

    Well folks I know everyone is interested in whats going on.  I dont want to go to far before I have spoken with everyone.  I can absolutley say without a doubt that Bill Howard will continue to produce the quality unique peices we have come to expect from Tidioute, Northfield and Great Eastern Cutlery.  Thats is truely just the type of knifemaker and man that he is.  The folks making the knives have not changed.  The factory workers will come back tomorrow just as they left before the holiday, ready to produce us the knives we crave!!!

  • johnny twoshoes

    It sounds like a peaceful departure for Ken!!!

    I really hope that things just continue to get better for both men. I really appreciate all what they have done for the Knife world. They completely changed my opinion on knives and they own my business. I look forward to seeing Tuna Valley thrive as I really feel they will. 

  • johnny twoshoes

    Jan, do you know if Ryan is staying?

  • Tom Peterson


    That would be awesome if I could afford it. I feel like I already own stock in GEC (or should) with all of their knives that I have. I think that Jan would be a better exec than I though, not to mention that she is more diplomatic and even keeled than I am. What would be your first order of business Jan? Mine would be to offer the White Owl with both clip and spear blades together as a Moose Owl/White Moose. Then I would focus on the Camp knife, Peanut, Swingguard, Gunstock and other similar patterns that GEC has not made yet. A lockback #23 too. And a GEC calendar in which collectors send in their pics to be part of the calendar and win a free knife if your photo makes the calendar. And Patti could do a GEC cookbook of all of her treats that are featured in What's Happening. More GEC swag gear too - can coolies, knife sharpeners, soft carrying cases, etc....