Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Has anyone heard any big GEC news for this summer? Except for their Rondevous. They must have some plans on a special knife or something like that. We need to hear some exciting news and get us all out of this winter time boredom.

  • Dana Mayo

    Well I'm not bored with 3 new GEC's on the way.

  • Dana Mayo

    My Mom passed away this month and I think it's fitting that I'm getting 2 Black  GEC sunfish. One from Alan (the Luca Buffalo Sunfish) and a nice black ebony Watch Pocket from Bruce's website (Doc's Knife works)

  • Tom Peterson

    Dana, our sympathies go out to you and your family. Best wishes to you.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Dana, really sorry to hear about your Mom, my prayers are with ya'll.
  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks all, Correction I have now 3 Black GEC's this month with the addition of another Tid-ioute watch pocket Black Buffalo from Bruce. In memory of Mom

  • Bob Andrews

    Tid DEE Yoot

  • Jan Carter

    Has everyone seen the Whats Happening today?

    #66 Moose spear blades ready to be blade ground.

  • Jan Carter


    We certainly wish your family peace as you move forward, our prayers are with you all.  Losing a parent is certainly difficult.  The Blacks will always remind you of her and that is wonderful

  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks Jan!

  • Dana Mayo

    Jan, Where is the "Whats Happening today" link?

  • Alan

  • Jan Carter

  • Alan

    What's at the end of the Hall? Looks Like Paul  Bunyan to me....

  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks Alan and Jan. Got it and bookmarked it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yep, I've seen those 66's what's up with them spear blades.

  • Dana Mayo

    I'd like to see nail nicks added to those

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I got excited when I got the news of a Moose in production until I realized, I just got one that size in stag. What I'm really looking for is a 54 Moose in Primitive Bone.

  • johnny twoshoes

    That would be very nice, the #54 would look great with some beautiful age old primitive bone. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I can't find out, are they making some #66 Moose patterns and if they are, then in what handle materials. I'm looking to get a small moose for a user in wood or bone. I'm fired up, finally, a Moose!

  • Tom Peterson


    This is what I see from one of the distributors:

    #66 – Moose – Big Clip and Big Spear

    Tidioute – Smooth Bolsters
    Spring Green Bone
    Ebony Wood

    Northfield – Lined Slanted Dimpled Bolsters
    Southwest Turquoise Acrylic
    Cocobolo Wood

    Northfield – Straight Lined Dimpled Bolsters
    Blood Red Bone
    Burnt Stag
    Genuine Stag
    Primitive Bone

    Jan, I see the Primitive Bone Calf Ropers are up on GEC's new release page!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That will do just fine, I'd like one in Cocobolo. After all this time and all the knives I've been through, I don't have one in Cocobolo. I have a bunch in wood just not that one. I wanted another small moose to use when I wear shorts in the summer. Thanks Tom.

  • Dana Mayo

    Dark%20Front.JPGLight%20back.JPG I just received this Northfield #36 in burnt stag . The handles are different shades. What do y'all think?

  • Clint Thompson

    I LOVE-EM!

  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks Clint. I was considering returning it, thinking it was mismatched. But I really do like each piece.

  • Jan Carter


    I really like them also, gorgeous scales.


    Still crossing my fingers for a 54 moose for you


    Already on the way (LOL) 

  • Dana Mayo

    Lets see if I can get this picture layout right this time. Nice or mismatched?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, are they gonna make some 66 moose patterns?

  • Jan Carter

    According to the What Happening today, they are building parts for one

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I saw that today but that doesn't tell me exactly what their making. I did see the name Moose, so thats got me hanging

  • Jan Carter

    Sorry Robert,

    Go look at these 66 Mooses

  • Tom Peterson


    The post that I put up earlier was from Collector Knives early reservation page. Seems pretty clear what Mooses will be made.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Yeah, we have a Moose on the way. I wouldn't mind picking one up, but I keep looking at the #66 jacks and I don't know, they look really good.

  • Dana Mayo

    A few Knife pics.

  • Dana Mayo

    One more. The Buffalo Horn duo.

  • Ron Cooper


    In the pic of the knives on the blue and white towels (below) that Spyderco stands out like a guy eating a cheeseburger at a vegetarian convention!

    You have some very drool-worthy knives, my friend!


  • Dana Mayo

    Ron, Good analogy. I do have a more appropriate drawer for that Spyderco Military.

  • Jan Carter

    But the Spyderco is enjoying the company

  • johnny twoshoes

    Dana, you got a nice collection for sure. I don't buy as many Case knives as I once did, but they still make a better pocket knife than I do. : )

    Those Backpockets interest me, but don't tell GEC. LOL

  • Dana Mayo

    Well Johnny, Case was my 1st love

  • Dana Mayo

    Also Johnny, those back pockets have that abrupt half stop. It will suprise you if your not expecting it.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Dana, I have a good friend who has one and I got to play with it for a while. I really do like the knife, I may end up with one someday.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Dana, looks to me like you got yourself a beauty from the #36 Buffalo Horn Sunfish run we did last year, lucky you. I hope you enjoy it's infinite wonders. I know it's just a knife, but the possibilities are endless, right?

  • Dana Mayo

    Luca, I agree totally. There is something infinite about an edge.

  • Tom Peterson


    Nice looking #36 & #26!

  • Tom Peterson


    Look on GEC's web site & look under patterns. Click on the picture of the first one and it will have a date. Some of the really old patterns don't have the date on the picture though.

  • Jan Carter

    or look at the production total lists under information

  • Dana Mayo

    Hi all, I have a repair question. Is it possible to raise the kick of a knife that closes to low in the frame?

  • johnny twoshoes

    It sounds like maybe your blade is bumping the backspring? This is a common thing when knives have a little too much snap, there is no real way to lengthen the backspring, but if you send it to GEC they will sharpen the blade down some till it doesn't bump the backspring. If it's gonna be a user I would just sharpen the blade down myself.

  • Dana Mayo

    Hi Johnny, Does the kick point on the tang wear down over time