Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • johnny twoshoes

    Great knife Jan, I see this one and think, "okay, put it on the wish list it's kinda cool". We'll see whats next for me, it's about time for a new knife. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Go Johnny Go!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Okay guys, I'm sending three knives back to GEC for a tune up. We'll see how long it takes, I imagine a couple of them will be done in a week, but the other knife may take a little longer. 

    We'll see I guess, they are off to great hands. 

  • Clint Thompson

    What type of tuning up do they need Johnny?

  • johnny twoshoes

    One for Blade play, another for shield pinning and a third for pin crack and "wrapping". The blade contacts the spring. 

    I bought the one knife with the pin crack for a great price and now GEC is going to fix it, so it'll just get even better. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I was wondering what time of year would be best for most people to get our club knife. The holiday season just seems to me not the very best time. Some of our members may be in need of their loose cash for the holidays. The best I can remember we collected the money during the holidays and recieved the knife just after the last holiday. This is just a thought I had about the club knife, what do ya'll think? I see GEC making alot of other club knives right now.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Robert, to my knowledge it wasn't a 100% sure thing that GEc was going to make the knife. I could be mistaken though. I am all for GEC making the knife and I want to get it done ASAP as well. 

    I'm for whatever is easiest on our fine friends in charge here at ICK. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I was just saying it might be easier on some if it's not done during the holidays. I was also saying alot of clubs are having their knives done now. I know our people have their hands full, I was just making conversation...

  • johnny twoshoes

    Robert, I completely agree with you.

    I am just not sure what is really going on here. I was think it was GEC, but I haven't heard anything in a while. 

    I didn't mean to offend you my friend.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Oh no, I wasn't offended, I was just wondering and thought that we should do it before the holidays, might work better. Miss Jan has taken in alot of info on what the majority might want, I have no idea what has the most support. I just hope it's something special though. Hey Johnny, I'm cooking a pot of deer for supper, wish you could taste.

  • Clint Thompson

    I understand Johnny.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thanks guys, I seriously didn't mean to misconstrue what was said. 

    I am really excited about this and I agree with Robert, I really have a hard time justifying a club knife when the holidays come up.

    Robert, I just made a venison meal the other day. I bet it wasn't near as good as what you have in the pot though, wish I could try it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Johnny, I'm sure your venison was great, just probably different from mine. I'll post the way I cook it in JJ.'Dinner, new recipes. I'd love to see how ya'll cook it too. It's very easy to miss understand what people are saying in a forum, no problem, lets just enjoy ourselves.

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'll have to do that Robert, I'll be looking for your recipe.

  • johnny twoshoes

    My knives have made it to Titusville and are out for delivery. 

    They will be in good hands soon. 

  • Jan Carter


    They will be home in no time.  Gives you an opportunity Johnny to EDC some of those other knives that are calling out for your attention :)  What will you use next?

  • johnny twoshoes

    Right now it's Dogleg Jack, but I'm thinking about maybe trying a new knife. I've been through a few of my other knives in the last week, but nothing is sticking yet.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Well, I ordered a new one today!!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Ha Ha, well let us in on it. I know you probably picked a good one....

  • johnny twoshoes

    Well Robert, it's not a new to me pattern, but It's a knife I've wanted for a long time. I got another #72 on the way, this one with a 1095 carbon steel clip blade and frontier bone scales. 

    A couple years ago they had one in the store at the rendezvous, I looked at it and decided not to go with it and I have kicked myself ever since. I finally found another one and it's coming home where it belongs. 

  • Clint Thompson

    Good job Johnny.  Send pics when it is home and safe.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Good choice, Johnny, I waited a long time for the 72 lockback to come out. I had a genuine stag on oder for a long time and it finally came out. It's a great pattern.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thanks guys, this is my 5th #72 and I'm excited to finally have a clip with carbon steel. It feels like it's been my knife forever, it's just been waiting to get home.

    I looked at the stag ones and I passed on them, not sure why, but I just wanted to wait. Bob has one that I got to see at the Pittsburg show and if I get rollin' in the green, I may end up springing for it if it's still around. 

  • Jan Carter

    Good work Johnny.  Thats what I call a knife rescue.  Bring it home where it can be used and loved!!  I enjoy the frontier bone...It's a classic

  • johnny twoshoes

    It's headed home and headed for the pocket. 

  • peter force

    sorry should have hoine dthis group long ago...just getting my IKC up to speed... thanx for having me ..

  • Clint Thompson


    Good to have you with us.  We get a little wild with our ideas but every opinion and idea is good to all of us.  We can learn a good deal from each other.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Okay guys, I just got word back that my Elk will not be repaired. It's a "S", or "store" knife, so it's not under warranty. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Johnny, there is others that refurbish knives besides the factory where they were made. If you need some names let me know.

  • Tom Peterson

    Johnny, glad to hear that you found yourself a Frontier bone #72. I need to start carrying mine again. I have crossed over to the dark side and have been carrying a Benchmade Mini-Barage lately because I like it's assisted opening - sorry guys for bringing up a non trad. J2S, will GEC not repair your Elk #72 knife at all or will they just charge you since it is not under warranty? What is wrong with it - too much vertical blade walk as usual? I have a Burnt Stag single blade GEC SS #73 that has some walk issues that I need to send back too.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Robert, I'll send you an e-mail buddy.

    Tom, it has some good play in the blade vertically and horizontally. I could take the side to side out myself, I just don't know how to fix the rest. The knife is an "S" or "store" knife and GEC doesn't warrant these knives, which is not a problem, I completely understand why they wouldn't. I would live with it if it weren't for the fact that it wiggles when I'm cutting, even for the light chores. 

  • johnny twoshoes

    The new knife arrived and there is pictures and opinions to come later today.

  • Jan Carter

    I heard a Beavertail rumor.  YIPEEEE!

  • Gary Thomas

    Does anyone know if there is a Knifeaholics Anonymous? I think  I need to join :)

  • Clint Thompson


    Charter member here.

  • Jan Carter


    LOL, Like Clint I believe we all qualify for the lifetime membership now.  I wonder if we can get a grant for that?

  • Jan Carter

    Check out the Knife song video, it is so funny and addresses our addiction

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, any insider info on the Rendezvous knife for this year?

  • Jan Carter

    None that I can share as of yet Robert, waiting on confirmation.  You know ya'll will be the first to know.  Typically it is not announced until the first day of the show.  I usually try to get pics at 8am and get them on at 805 LOL

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    The last two years the Rendevous knives were great and alot of people enjoyed them. They just weren't my style, maybe this year the knife will suit my taste. Thanks Miss Jan, for the info you bring us on all these knife events.

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    Hey everyone...some answers on the 71

    It is D1 tool steel

    Orange is the only handle in the foreseeable future.

    153 of them produced

    SOME NEWS ON GREAT EASTERN the factory is now closed until Monday, wish them all a happy holiday :)

  • johnny twoshoes

    This is definitely some great news and I'm glad to hear that others will be able to enjoy the beautiful orange Bull Nose. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I hope they all have a great 4th and vacation and stay

  • Bob Andrews

    That would be O1 on the Bullnose.

  • Jan Carter

    ooops, Bob is right on my Mispelling.  Thanks for the correction.

  • Jan Carter

  • johnny twoshoes

    Happy 4th everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful time.

  • Jan Carter

    It has been so quiet in here.  I think you are all out having a summer of fun.

    WOOOOHOOOOOOO, enjoy and come back soon

  • Bob Andrews

    I guess everybody's on their way to Titusville and left the computer at home!