Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Bob Andrews

    Wounded Warrior Project


    #852112 Northfield UN-X-LD, Bark Mammoth Ivory, Single Blade Knife

    Drawing Date: Saturday afternoon, July 21, 2012 at GEC Rendezvous

    Donation $1.00 per ticket – If paying with a Credit Card there will be a minimum of $20.00 per order.

    Contact Chris:  814-827-3411 or email:

  • Jan Carter

    Great work Bob, I was just getting home and about to move this over from the website.  THANK YOU

    Dont miss the chance folks, you can enter by phone (it's just more fun in person)!

  • Jan Carter

    Did you see?????????????????????????   It's  BEAVERTAIL and the long awaited Missouri Trapper 

  • johnny twoshoes

    Great to see another Beavertail, but not sure how I feel about the pattern.

    we'll see, I can't wait to see it in person.

  • Jan Carter

    Looks like the next run of them is a lock back

    #710112 Redneck Bullnose
    Redneck Orange Delrin
    #428212 Tidioute Cutlery
    Missouri Trapper

    Jigged Bone
    Ebony Wood
    Frontier Bone
    Beaver Wood
    #428212 Northfield UN-X-LD
    Missouri Trapper

    Jigged Bone
    Cocobolo Wood
    Burnt Stag
    #421112 LB Tidioute Cutlery 
    Missouri Trader

    Jigged Bone
    Beaver Wood
    Ebony Wood
    Frontier Bone
    #421112 LB Northfield UN-X-LD 
    Missouri Trader

    Jigged Bone
    Cocobolo Wood
    Burnt Stag
  • Ron Cooper

    I sure wish the Beavertail had a lanyard hole! I like the looks of that pattern, though. (Missouri Trapper)

  • Jan Carter

    I agree Ron.  A lanyard hole would have been very nice for this pattern.  We recently gave a good friend one of our iKC knives that Donnie had put a leather lanyard on with small stag pieces on it.  He was never a lanyard person and now he is hooked.  Amazing what a difference it makes on a pocket knife to have something to hang just outside your pocket to grab ahold of and get to the knife quickly. 

  • Jan Carter

    WOOOHOOO....Titusville HERE WE COME

  • Jan Carter

    check out the comparison video for the #42

  • Bob Andrews

  • Bob Andrews

    Here are the 2012 RENDEZVOUS KNIVES.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Wow, loving that lockback.

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    All Right - A Missouri Trapper & Trader combo!  Is that cocobolo or some other wood?

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Oh - I see.  Good ole Black Walnut!

  • Bob Andrews

    Yes,Good Ole American Black Walnut!  A renewable resource from right here in the USA!

  • Paul Slusser

    Can't wait to get one of those lockbacks in my hand. I don't have a walnut handled knife yet but my guess would be that pictures just don't do it justice. Hoping I can get up there for the next open house.

  • Jan Carter

    The lockback was run today and I was able to get some shots of a fresh Beavertail, hot off the press. This netbook is a liitle hard to get connection up here but I was able to load pics on my page earlier. The ebony in that 42 was run today also. This knife is SWEET! Not too big, not too small....just right

  • Jan Carter

    so how many of you have taken advantage of the opportunity to buy the raffle tickets over the phone? This #85 pattern is nothing less than spectacular and we all know it is a good cause. Lets put this into perspective a little bit. You call and put 20.00 on your debit card, no interest get 20 chances to win a 1 of 1...mammoth #85

  • johnny twoshoes

    Leaving now for Camp, then tomorrow the Rendezvous.

    Can't wait guys, it's gonna be awesome. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yes Mam, those 42's look great! Johnny if you can check out the Outdoor Group, later. We are back from our crabbing trip, I have some great photo's. We had to fight the gators for the crab's in the spot, ole Pawpaw picked today, but we caught 4 dozen real nice Blue piont crabs. Yea buddy, crab boil tonight.

  • Paul Slusser

    Lookin good Jan! We appreciate the updates!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, are ya'll getting the Rendezvous knife set? It has to be a great collectors item. I want, and have been waiting for one to use as a great user. I love their choice of this years Rendezvous Knife but I'm sure alot of collectors, that favor other patterns, will diagree with me. lol, Dat's Life!

  • Jan Carter

    Hello from PA!!  It has been a great few days with another one coming up tomorrow.  We certainly have picked up the set, and a few more knives LOL.  I put some pics up today but have to borrow the desktop to do them.  Will share more as I can.  Looks like I may have misspoke on that raffle knife, possibly 1 of 3 done in that pattern but I will verify the numbers tomorrow.  Still a great deal, buy 20 tickets at 1.00 a piece for a chance at that beauty.

    We have met MANY iKC members here and handed out a lot of iKC cards.  Think we may see a new member or two.  

    so tell me your plans for the weekend?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    The weekend, I am so wore out after today, I may just rest for the weekend. Check out the outdoor group and you'll see what I mean. New members, that sounds great, Miss Jan.

  • Jan Carter

    Billy brings up a tray of frontier 42's for the finishing touches in Patty's room

    Patty puts that wonderful finishing edge on and dresses them up for us

  • Jan Carter


  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That's for the set of two knives, right Miss Jan?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Oh Miss Jan, I wish you would have thought about taking a good picture of the knife Donnie made and gave Bill. Oh well, maybe we'll see it later.

  • Jan Carter

    Robert, yes..that is for the set.

    This is the knife Donnie gave to Bill

  • Jan Carter

    AND THE WINNER IS..Patty Lehosky

    Hope I spelled her name right.  Congrats Patty and thank you for donating to the Wounded Warrior Project

  • Jan Carter

    There is a member looking for the Blade Forum knife from 2011...Anyone know of one out there?

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    I waited for Johnny to sen us the pics of where these were presented to us and you can see them in my photos but here are the "knives" Great Eastern did up for us.  The show was a pleasure to be present at and help at little bit at.  We were VERY surprised when Bill handed us these

  • Jan Carter

    I put the knives in the picture for size comparisons :)

  • Josh Wills

    Jan those knives are awesome and HUGE! Would look great on a giant GEC plaque!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    No one has been a bigger supporter of GEC than you and Donnie. I am glad they gave this to ya'll as a token of their gratitude. Will ya'll hang it on the wall or somethig? Congrat's.

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Jan and Donnie - You're going to have to find some major wall space to put up those presentation pieces!  Good to see you guys at our brief stopover last Thursday.  Left with the wallet a little lighter.  Saw a beautiful burnt stag Missouri trapper going through the line and got to purchase it.  Also picked up a stunningly beautiful store knife, a dusky buffalo horn lumberjack.  Have to say though, that I was bowled over by this one guy's collection of primitive bone GECs, including a simply stunning whaler!!  Will post some photos soon.  Best, Dan

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter


    I think I capture a pic of you picking out the knife you wanted.  Check my pictures on my page.  It was wonderful to see you and the family

  • Jan Carter

    Robert and Josh,

    They will be mounted and placed in the house, just dont know where yet.  Decided I dont want to hide them in the knife room

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Here's a trio of nice Missouri Trappers on the line.  I chose the middle one.

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Here's that dusky buffalo horn Lumberjack from the "store" knives.  My dusky iPhone photos don't begin to capture this knife!

  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Just look at this primitive bone whaler I got to see!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, ya'll must have been excited to see Johnny, I know, I would have been. He's a fine young man that has taken up a great hobby.

  • Jan Carter

    We were excited to see his family also Robert.  Just plain good folks!!!

    This was an exciting show.  We got to see a few folks we had met before but also had the opportunity to meet more iKC members and put faces and memories to the profiles and conversations.  And spending time with the folks at the factory is always a joy and a blessing

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I'd love to know what kind of knives do the GEC knife makers like. We all know they like GEC but I mean do they like "vintage knives, fixed blades or a certain pattern, maybe an old brand". I think it would be interesting for everyone to see what's their favorite knives.

  • Clint Thompson


    This is a very good question.  I would like to round this out to; What knife pattern do the craftsmen like to make and do they like to craft the old patterns or a brand new pattern never been done before?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That is true, I never thought of that. Those of us that love GEC knives need to know what our makers favorites are. Great idea, Clint. We'll see what the Queen [Miss Jan] has to say about our

  • Jan Carter

    I LOVE IT!!!

    So here is what I think will get us an answer.  I will send an email to Ms. Chris and ask her to post it in the break room with a pen.  Lets come up with 3 or 4 distinct questions to ask shall we?

    I purpose one of them to be:

    Do you have a favorite style of knife for your own use? 

    so add to the questions and I will get us some answers

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Wow, thats great, Miss Jan. Maybe Clint, could come up with the opropreate[spelling?] questions to ask or other good members. I'm just the general idea I'm sure alot of our collectors would like to know what they have to say.