Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Bob Andrews

    Here is a picture of our Booth Set Up just before opening.

  • Bob Andrews

    I tried to get a close up of one of the display cases.

  • Bob Andrews

    By the way,the new Smooth Oiled Bone Blade Keys are sweet! 

  • Clint Thompson

    Very nice Bob.  Good luck on the show.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Nice, I like the USA flag also.

  • Bob Andrews

    Thanks for the nice comments folks. I thought the Flag was appropriate for American Made Cutlery. It was actually a gift from the Show Promoter. We display it proudly!

  • Stanley May

    Good Job Bob.

  • Bob Andrews

    Thanks Stanley. I'm hoping to get a chance to meet some of our IKC Folks.I know Johnny Two-Shoes doesn't live too far from here. I also know he is a VERY busy young man!

  • Jan Carter

    Bob, I want one of the blade keys will you grab one and just send me the bill?

  • Bob Andrews

    will do jan

  • Jan Carter

    TWO (2) new set up knives on the site this week

    #81 Coon Skinner 

    #65 Farm & Field & Fish Knife

  • Jan Carter

    Been a busy week at Great Eastern

  • Jan Carter

    I hope someone tells us how the show went

  • Bob Andrews

    Wednesday and Thursday Evening and Friday Afternoon went quite well Jan. I talked to Patty briefly today and she said Saturday and Sunday went well. Chris should be back on Wednesday and I'll get the full story then.

  • Jan Carter

    Bob, you get me a pic?

  • Bob Andrews

    Actually,I was going to ask Chris to sen you one.

  • Jan Carter

    That works also.  Thanks 

  • Jan Carter

    WOW, it is awfully quiet in here.  No thoughts on the new patterns?

  • Bob Andrews

    Take a close look at the "What's Happening" page on the GEC website. Look carefully and you will see a reference to a great,new ,as yet unannounced pattern.

  • Bob Andrews

    Actually I mis spoke. It is a new variation of a very popular previous pattern.

  • Bob Andrews

    Is nobody following GEC anymore?

  • Jan Carter

  • Clint Thompson


    I read every blog and each time I gain more knowledge about this brand.  I love the GEC brand of knives and when I can afford to buy one I do.  I am thinking about another Cotton King whenever they make another run. 

    I am a pup when it comes to this brand so I just watch and learn.  I think blogging has gone down across the board.  However, keep them coming......

  • Bob Andrews

    I'm glad you're interested Clint! Just about everybody is a Pup when it comes to this brand. They've only been around 6 or 7 years. We're all learning together!


  • Bob Andrews

  • Clint Thompson

    I like the look of these Bob.  Appears to be an excellent utility knife.

  • Bob Andrews

    It certainly does!

  • Jan Carter

    I like the simple lines.  Somehow as I get older I appreciate simplicity more and more.

    PS...BOB, you got a mention on the front page.  A new customer for you is rallying the troops to like your  FB page :)

  • Bob Andrews

    I agree Jan about the simple lines Jan. Very similar to the 15 Boy's Knife. Clean,simple,yet Elegant!

    ps;He's doing a very good job too!

  • Bob Andrews

  • Ron Cooper

    Good show, Bob! How much would ya take for the furry co-star of your video?

  • Bob Andrews

    That's old Jack! He's quite the Curmudgeon! I'll give a sack of kitty food to come get him!

  • Ron Cooper

    Ha! Bob, I bet if I showed up to take 'ol Jack off your hands I wouldn't be able to pry him away from ya with a crowbar! Judging by the way he was casually grooming himself and hanging with you out on the deck he looks to be family. But you can do me a favor and give ol' Jack a little back scratch the next time you see him. And tell him that I said "howdy!"

    Cheers, mate!

  • Lee Smith

    I have the orange one. Love looking at it. Simple piece of art. Haven't carried it yet. 

  • Bob Andrews

    The 99 Farmer Jack has a lot in common with the 15 Boy's Knife. Very simple,clean lines. No fuss,no muss. A basic pocket knife,everything you need in a cutting tool,and not much else. Form follows function.

  • Jan Carter

    Nice Video Bob, good to see the in that media!

  • Bob Andrews

    It's going to be a nice weekend to spend indoors in our area. If you live near Niles,Ohio,you can see the folks that make the knives for GEC. The Sportsmans Show in Niles will have Chris Tucker on Friday,Chris and William Howard (son) on Saturday. And Chris and possibly Bill Howard (owner of GEC) on Sunday. Stop by and say "Hello".

  • Jan Carter

    Excellent idea Bob!  Sure wish I was close enough to visit for this one

  • Ken Mundhenk

    Any one going to The Knife Roadshow at the Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center in Dalton, Georgia this weekend March 8 - 10? I'll have couple tables, stop by and say hi. Saturdays temp is suppose to be 65!!
  • Gary Thomas

    Anyone know when GEC will post the 2012 Production Totals on their website?

  • Jan Carter

    Gary, Usually right around this time of year.

    I understand our own Ken Mundhenk will be at the Dalton Ga show this weekend.  Anyone else joining us?

  • Jan Carter

  • Clint Thompson

    Nice...real nice Jan.  I like it!

  • Stanley May

    I think its a keeper Jan!

  • Jan Carter

    That is a 2007 and its 1 of 25 

  • Jan Carter

    Some more pics from the show

    Ken Mundhenk

  • Clint Thompson

    Great pics Jan.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I have one just like that fixed blade but in a bone handle. Great knife design and takes a razor edge.

  • Jan Carter


  • Jan Carter

    From the GEC site..........

    e: 2012 Production Totals
    on: March 11, 2013, 15:40

    I am working on the 2012 production totals but it will be probably April before I have completed the totals.