Jan Carter

Hiawassee, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
From a dear friend
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
56 to 60 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Queen, Case Classic, GEC, Custom...heck I like 'em all
About Me
My Husband Donnie and I live in Hiawassee GA. I was Blessed to have found iKC and became the owner in October of 2012. I believe all knife collectors are created equal, no matter what type they collect. iKC brings a different direction to knife collecting in my opinion, you may not personally like something or have an issue with a particular company. But respect is a substantial aspect of what we are about. I have a strong faith and believe everyone is entitled to theirs.
History, fishing, Diving, knife collecting and about a billion other things LOL. My main interest these days is iKC and bringing the future generations into knife collecting.
Other Hobbies
there are other hobbies? OK, I found one! Watching my husband learn to build knives

Comment Wall:

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  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, I have not been doing very well. My neck surgery seems to be failed and I am interrible pain. I always suffer with pain from my other surgeries but this has gotten real bad . They are really upset over here how things are going. They may need to operate again, with no promise of any type of success. This will be my 12th operation, I don't know if I can stand another one. Please pray for me. Plaese don't tell everyone about my situation. I would love their prayers, though. Thank you, you are an angle.

  • Sunil Ram

    Jan, thanks for joining the Buck Knives Group.

  • David Megnin

    Thank you for the warm welcome, Jan.  This is the friendliest knife collector forum I've had the pleasure of joing.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I sent you and Steve a mesage earlier today, I don't know if ya'll got the message. By this time of night the medicicine is making my spelling a little wrong. The doctor called today and said that they are gonna put a pain device in my back tuesday. I had no idea this was gonna happen. Bless ya'll heart, I'll be alright.

  • Colin MacRury

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    The staying alive part gets more important every day huh!

  • Keith Lyles

    Jan, thanks for the welcome message. I have taken photos of Dad's knives, and will load them up, after I figure out how? I appreciate your offer to help me ID some of them. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, after my doctors appt. last week, all the doctors had a conference, then called my Friday and told me to come in today for test and tommorrow for another back operation. They plan on installing some sort of devise in my back that looks like a pace maker. It's a little box, with wires coming out of it. The idea is its supposed to stop some of the pain in my back. They say it's not a bad opperation like the other orthropedic surgeries. All I know, is it's another operation, number 12. Lord mercy. Please say a little prayer for me, thank ya'll.

  • Guy Fleetwood

    My pleasure to be your friend,Jan Carter

  • James Cole

    Thank you Jan, that's a great B'day card.


  • Jimmy Marshall

    Thank you. Nice card!


  • Sam Campanotta

    You're so thoughtful!!!  Thank you very much!  Kewl card too!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey sweet lady, I thought I'd give you an update on my medical situation. The bad news, I'm still in terrible pain. The good news, they plan on operating August 23 to put in that contraption in my back that's gonna take some of the pain away. Please, pray for ole Pawpaw, I need some releif. Saint Judes Hospital has decide to come and help me, I think my doctor called them. We have insurance, so I have no idea why they are coming to do the operation. This will be my 12th operation, I sure do hope this is the last one, it is getting harder and harder to recover from them. Thanks.

  • Pat T

    Thanks for the birthday greeting!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I've been hanging low lately but I think things might get better. I hope to talk more when I feel better. Love ya'll.

  • jeff

    thanks for the nice comments! my picture taking skills are going to have to improve! lol  that buffalo  is the only proto i own, I'll try and get pics of some more of my collection within the next week or so,..thanks again!  Jeff

  • James

    Thank you for the Birthday wish!  I am ex-Special Forces and, as you might guest, a big fan of my late friend and fellow Special Forces Vet, Al Mar. Most collecting combat knives.



  • steve shugart

    Thanks for the welcome Jan, looking forward to this site and all the info I can muster!Think I have an addiction!!

  • steve shugart

    P.S. thats a good lookin lab!

  • steve shugart

    go figure!!!!

  • John Theo

    Thank you Jan!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Jan .. does GEC make any SMALL single blade knives ??? When I say it's small .. I mean 2 3/8 closed. .. or there about.
    I gave Abby a Case 61154 while we were still dating .. but .. she prefers wood scales & just asked if I could get a similar knife scaled w/ wood. I am unable to find anything made by Case .. i.e. a 71154 or a 11154 or a P1154.
    Pls let me know if anything comes to mind.
    Thanks .. D ale.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Thanks, Jan !!!

  • Josh Wills

    Thanks Jan!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

      Hey, Miss Jan and Donnie, I made it through my surgery alright. It was a little harder than I thought. They said, it was because of all my problems, they seem to get harder and harder every time. I had lost count on how many surgeries I have had, they counted them all up and it's #17. I told them, I'm gonna quit when it gets to #21,lol. I have not had a chance to send my money order in for the club knife. I have been busy, with my operation and they started putting a 10X16 bathroom on the girls cottage this week. Then, we have a friend visting from out of the Gulf.lol. Please, tell them, if they need my money order, to just wait a little bit. I am a man of my word, I will pay for it, when things settle down. Bless ya'll. Thank, Rob.

  • Glenn Banks

    thanks for the birthday wish!

  • Warren L. Strout

    Hi Jan, Thanks for looking at my new large Bowie knife. It has a 15.5" blade and is 23" overall, but it is well balanced, and handles like a dream. I have been enjoying it a lot.  Have a great day....          Warren - "Lone Wolf".

  • John DiIenno

    Thank you Jan, your down there living in my old stomping grounds..I ran an 84 Lumber in Palmetto and lived in Bradenton. Sure do miss the fishing down there. I see you like the Case Classics. One of my first knives was an exotic handle Cigar Whittler. I checked with the Case Classics club guy's and they said it's one of a kind. It does say that on the COA but I still had to check. I'll post a picture once I figure out how to do it.
  • Patrik Ilijev

    Thank you my friend wish you a nice day. 

  • Bill Marx

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your note. Ill get around to taking a picture of some of my great grandfathers knives. He also made a few bottle openers that looked like small animals. His best was a carving set he made for my grandfather and his wife, my grandmother in 1917. Carbon steel with large stag horn handles on the knife and fork. He also engraved it with their names and the date. I have some of his stag horn handles ready for a knife should I ever decide to make one myself. Bill Marx Ft Lauderdale

  • KnifeMaker

    malcolm kight

    Thank you. It is nice to feel so welcomed to such an inspirational organization. We are here to serve you and others in rehandling knives with ivory handles and to provide excellent quality hand etched scrimshaw by Shar, "Hawaii's Finest Contemporary Scrimshaw Artist." Please visit us at shars-scrimshaw.com. Aloha, Malcolm.

  • KnifeMaker

    Judd Jones

    Thank you I just did!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, I had to rush my wife to the hospital this mourning. She developed a intestenal problem. She is improving now but will have to have an operation when her strenth gets better. I hope it is an easy thing to fix and the blockage is not a more serious problem. Please pray for her, she is my rock, I can lean on. Thanks, Rob.

  • Algie Pirrello

    The scrimshaw was done by D R Myrer, and I would to find out more about this guy and  knife. I found two a guy has on here so I posted to him also.  I just started looking and any help would be nice.

  • Kenneth Monaghan

    thank you jan thats reel nice of you .stay safe all the best from scottland

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Thanks for the birthday wish!! I look just like the critter on the lower left!

  • J. R. Reeves

    Thank you so much! 66 Today

  • Frank Stennett

    Jan, For some reason I do not get email from iKC like I do from Sharpfans, American knife collectors, and other clubs. So would you send me an email as to when you want me to send my money order for the community whitler knife. Thanks Frank Stennett

  • Justin Schroeder

    Thank you.

  • Frank Stennett

    Thanks Jan

  • Alexander Noot

    Hey Jan. We're not telling anyone whether it's a boy or a girl. It'll be due in October and I'm the only one that knows.

    Not even my wife knows ;-)

  • Frank Stennett

    Jan, I have sent my money order to GEC. Thanks a million 

  • Sue OldsWidow

    no mini coke....BUT i did get the rest of my "Thats my pan" group so I have one of everything they made!!!!!!!!!!!.............and a new blender with a spigot....and a suprise party for myself and my brother!

  • Wayne Whitted

    Thanks for the well wishes. I will need them. I am still trying to recuperate.

  • Bob Miskovic

    thanks Jan!

  • William Shafer

    Jan, thanks for your welcome.  I better get busy...

  • Roger Russell

    Hi Jan & thanks for the kind words about my old R.H. Boker pearl knife.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    Nice job on the crossword !!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Well Miss Jan, my little family has really taken a very hard blow. My wife of 42 years has sugffered a terrible stroke. They didn't think she would have lived this long. I have put her in a top of the line nursing home. She can eat a little bit and she reconizes us. This has been very hard on the girls after loosing their mom and now this. I have called in some great medical ladies to concil them. My youngest, grand girl as smart as she is, failed, the year we lost their mom. She takes all advanced classes and usually makes almost all A's. Well, she made all C's this past report card. Please, pray for them, they are the best little girls in the world. Bless Ya'll.

  • Frank Stennett

    Thanks a million.

  • jeff

    hello jan....it was great getting to meet you yesterday at SMKW. you are a wonderful person.. Sherry says hello too!  hope you had a great time and a good,uneventful flight. hope to see you again, ..your freinds   Jeff and Sherry POWELL