Luca Vignelli


Brooklyn, NY

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
16- 20 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Knives I Can't Afford, Toenails/Sunfish, Melon Testers, Moose, Folding Hunters, Italian Switchblades, Bowie, Chef's, Custom, Gentleman's, Bar Tenders, Throwing, Great Eastern Cutlery, Pukko, Laguiole, Opinel, Loveless, Tru-Bal, EDC Users, all and more...
About Me
For me knives are infinitely beautiful and varied, and like the weather and the ocean, contain within them that power that must be respected at all times.

I am the full time single father of a daughter who also loves knives, a professional photographer in New York City, a dang good cook, and a lover of the arts, music, good fun, and of the infinte possibilties for achievement of our goals in life.
Art, design, architecture, craftsmanship, history, literature, cooking, photography
Other Hobbies
Collecting this that and the other...

Comment Wall:

  • Gary Kennedy

    Welcome to IKC
  • Gerald Hines

    Welcome to iKnife.
  • J.J. Smith III

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Luca

    Thanks for joining us. We've got a good group of knife folks here- as you are seeing. 

    Gotta ask- toenails? Which is your favorite? I'm a bit crazy about them....mostly old ones (check out my pictures on my profile if you like old ones). 

    Hope you'll load up some pics of your favorite knifes- we like to see the knives of each other.

    I invite you to join our Elephant Toenail Collectors Club here at iKC. Check it out- go to the main menu see Groups- then you can scroll through the different groups and you'll see us.



  • Luca Vignelli

    Thanks everybody for the warm welcome! Just getting started, but hope to be up and posting soon. Thanks!
  • Ken Mundhenk



    Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group, we're glad you joined us.

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Thank for your kind words about my toenail site and collection. I'm not an expert just an enthusiastic collector :) I'd be happy to help any way I can. Glad to have you here at iKC!


  • Mackenzie Soileau (sebenza100)

    Thanks for the add
  • J.J. Smith III

    Yes sir, it's a great place.  Be sure to check out everything that iKC has to offer.

    It's a great place to hang your hat.

  • Jan Carter


    This is a wonderful idea!!  I have found that a general notice does not work as well in here as the personal touch.  I have been forwarding what you put in to the members.  The site I sent you to with the pictures of older GEC's belongs to a friend.  I have also asked his permission to post it on his blog, we share MANY of the same folks.  He also has a large overseas base of GEC folks.  I see we are getting some good responses.

  • Ray Wylie

    Thanks Luca,

    I love GEC knives and it will be nice to have an exclusive model

  • Ken Mundhenk


    Count me in!

  • jeff claiborne

    luca, thanks for kind words. been making knives 21 years now. does not come easy.  always want to make a better one, chaseing the dream. i send most of my knives out for photo's.  i make better knives than photo's. maybe someday we can get togeather on a custom knife for you. jeff
  • Ray Wylie

    Yes please, sorry for not responding sooner
  • Jack Crook

    yes Luca still in for one
  • Tom Peterson


    I am interested in one of those #36 Buffalo Horn GEC Northfield Toenails. Please let me know how to proceed with next step. I wish that they would do more in shiny polished buffalo horn or spiral cut. I have two NF #23 linerlocks and love them. At first they didn't catch my eye though. Would like to see them do a #25 in smooth shiny red or black buffalo horn too. Thanks, Tom Peterson

  • William Paul McCoy

    Hi Luca,

    I would like to be added to the list for the #36 GEC Northfield Toenail; how do I sign up? Thanks


    William McCoy

  • J.J. Smith III

    The staff wanted to come and say howdy. 

    (They don't see too many folks from Brooklyn, in the diner.)

  • Chris Stookey



    I definitely still want the Sunfish! Can't wait to see that Buffalo Horn!



  • Andy Voelkle "AxeMan"

    You have a fascinating biography here, Luca, and after reading about our several similarities I was thinking you must be a pretty intelligent guy, and then suddenly -- PROOF (we both collect melon tester knives!). Thanks for the "friends" invite.
  • Gary Norton

    Hello Luca,

    I would like to order one of the sunfish.



  • stephen tungate

    our story's have some simalarties such as i was born nov.9 1962 i grew up in the country i was about 9 years old when my dad gave me a old timer congress 4 blade knife .he told me to be very careful with it. i sometime's worked on the farm's on our road.this was in walton' i was cutting the string's on the hay bale's to feed the cattle.i started going to fast and picked the knife up to cut the string on a bale and did not know it was upside down needless to say it was not a lock blade.when the blade snaped down on my index finger it cut the finger all the way to the bone it was very sharp i ran about a mile to get home my luck dad was home he took me to the family doctor where he was able to sew it back togather.and now like you i am a knife collector.what a funny way to have that in common.we share the scar from our child hood....
  • David Adkins

    Yes, its me. I'm finally getting the spam thing straightened out.
  • falah gumilar

    Luca, thank you for the nice words, good eye! it was shot by infrared lenses, and yes, that is a particular shout east asian style (i.e Indonesia and Malaysia). please post your collection, I would love to see them, and thank you for all your effort on the GEC sunfish project. God bless.
  • Thayne Johnson

    Hello Luca, I am a new member here at iKC. I found your article online about the special order sunfish toenail knives from GEC. I see that you have already past 50 orders, is that correct? I would love to get in on the deal and would order 4 of them if you plan to take it towards 100 knives. The knife sounds like it will be an heirloom piece, and I would like to have the extras for gifts for special friends. As I understand I might be able to order up to six knives, but I feel that four will do. I have several toenails in my collection, but none will look as fine as the one you are describing. Thank you for helping me to stumble on to this group. It looks like a place I can hang my hat. Sincerely, Thayne Johnson

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Hey Luca- just getting back in the swing of things- between the trip and my real job :) been away for far too long. Hope you are doing well up there in my favorite city :)
  • J.J. Smith III

    Ok, you asked for it; it's on the way...
  • J.J. Smith III

    Thought you said you were Italian? 

    You'd sure make a darn good Irishman.

  • Billy Oneale

    Thanks for the info, Luca. I will email Chris with my info tomorrow. I tried to reply on your message, but it wouldn't send it and I couldn't compose a message from there either. I wonder if I am the only one having trouble with this.
  • stephen tungate

    Luca i sent my payment for our club knife out to day it should get there in a few days.thanks for all you have done.we are on our way....

  • In Memoriam

    Scott King

    Thanks Luca. Yes things are a bit up in the air right now. But we are safe and didn't have any real damage....just a few trees around the property. Did have two of our oldest at school in Tuscaloosa when it hit there, but they are safe. I appreciate you thinking of us.
  • Frank Stennett

    Is it to late to order a toenail knife from Great eastern. How do I do it? Can I send a money order, check, or credit card number? This is an inquiry.   Thanks 
  • Frank Stennett

    Luca I did as you said about the group sunfish knife. I contacted Chris and gave him said information.  Thanks  for all you do.   JJ and I went to a knife show We purchased and I won a Free blue bone russlock. Had the pleasure of meeting Gary Kennedy. It was at the Palmetto Cutlery knife show. Lots of old and new knives.
  • J.J. Smith III

    Thanks Luca.
    Been quiet around her though, everyone's out till the afternoon.
  • Tom Peterson


    Great news on the #36! Thank you for your efforts. What's next?

    Tom Peterson

  • Billy Oneale

    Great job on another member spotlight. I really enjoy them, Luca.
  • Ken Mundhenk


    Hats off to you and Chris at GEC for a job well done. What a beautiful sunfish! We all knew it would be coming from GEC

  • Ken Mundhenk

    Luca, Are you planning on attending GEC Open house in July? Hope to see you there
  • johnny twoshoes

    Luca, thank you for the compliments my friend. I'm not really the type to put myself out there though, I do love GEC, their people and their product. I would love to work with/for them, but I need some more practice, more training. Plus, I can't see me working for GEC and still have any money to bring home. : ) 


    GEC made me a beautiful knife, why shouldn't I try to get the best picture?


    Thanks again, I can't wait to hear all the updates on that #23.

  • Billy Oneale

    Happy Birthday, Luca. Have a great one.
  • stephen tungate

    happy birthday luca hope you have a great day.and thanks for all you do to help us on this site friend.......
  • Jan Carter

    Happy Birthday Luca!!!!!
  • Billy Oneale

    Thank you, Luca

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Luca, how you doing my good buddy. I was sending you this message to see if you could do a profile of one of our members. You did such a good job on the others you did. If you are too busy I understand. I think the profiles were a good way to get to know people. I thought a profile of James Ivy would be great, he's a big collector, a custom knife maker and attends alot of knife shows. I think knives runs in his blood. Please let me know what you think, thanks.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Merry Chirstmas my friend.

  • Jan Carter

    I hope this finds you well and happy my friend.