Jan Carter

Hiawassee, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
From a dear friend
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
56 to 60 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Queen, Case Classic, GEC, Custom...heck I like 'em all
About Me
My Husband Donnie and I live in Hiawassee GA. I was Blessed to have found iKC and became the owner in October of 2012. I believe all knife collectors are created equal, no matter what type they collect. iKC brings a different direction to knife collecting in my opinion, you may not personally like something or have an issue with a particular company. But respect is a substantial aspect of what we are about. I have a strong faith and believe everyone is entitled to theirs.
History, fishing, Diving, knife collecting and about a billion other things LOL. My main interest these days is iKC and bringing the future generations into knife collecting.
Other Hobbies
there are other hobbies? OK, I found one! Watching my husband learn to build knives

Comment Wall:

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  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yes Mam, it is the best stainless steel filet knife I have ever seen or used. Thanks for this chance to try it.

  • Jim Wilson

    Thank you for the bday greet!  I appreciate it!

  • Karl Vauter


  • Shannon McGraw

    Thank you for all the help and the warm welcome!

  • KnifeMaker

    Tamera Kitchens

    Thank you so much! (:

  • Bill

    Thank you for the warm welcome I appreciate it very much.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, I'd like one more chance to use the White River Filet knife, in the next few days. I will have some fish and turtles to clean, after that, I'll wright a little review. I will then be finished with it and I can send it back. Please just tell me where to send it. Thanks again for this opportunity to review this knife. Your Buddy, Rob.

  • Clay Strong

    Thanks for the welcome Jan. I appreciate the nice comment about my website. I just changed to a new format/look. So, I must apologize for some things not being transferred yet. I have many more links to add and a load of photos to post in the galleries. I visit every link and check that they work, often, using a link checker program. I hope it is helpful to everyone. I'll look the forum over and learn the ropes.

  • Jacob White

    Thanks!  I already feel warmly welcomed here.  Lots of nice people.  I look forward to digging into the collection I've been tasked to look at and know it will be a ton of fun and education for me.  And hopefully a little fun for others.

  • Paul Borchardt

    Thanks - looking forward to the activities

  • Roger Cunningham

    Thanks Jan.Take care,tell Donnie I said Hey.Roger 

  • Patrik Ilijev

    Thanks for the wishes Jan very beautiful knife right there. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, bad news. They are going to cut on me again Sept. 26. The doctors are trying to get more blood flow to my back and legs. They have done this before and it helped. This will be #18 surgery. I just knew, I couldn't make it a year without a surgery. Please pray for me, the girls, can't loose me now.

  • John McDowell

    jan, i want a calender,cant get there.i know im stupid but knive sharp.

  • Max McGruder

    Thank you Jan!

    I did buy a knife yesterday but don't usually get them although I meet up today with a friend for breakfast and garage knifemaking so ya never know!

  • Featured

    Craig Henry

    Thanks Jan! Another year down the drain! LOL!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey Miss Jan, Charles Sample, wants to start a photo contest, in the Gun group. I told him I'd help get it going. You can read about it in the Outdoor Group. What do you think? What should we do?

  • Steve wells

    Thanks Jan on the nice comment on the Elpht Ivory Panama Trapper

    Congrats on getting one of the 50 willford works knives

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan is that your address on the envelope that the calendar came in?

  • peter force

    THANK YOU JAN!!!! ..u ROCK!!

  • Robert Johnson

    Thank you for welcoming me.
  • Steve wells

    Thanks Jan for the comment on the Stockmans knife----still waiting to see your new Buck knife


  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Well Miss Jan, tomorrow is my operation. I hope it goes well, the girls need me. Please say a little prayer. Thanks, your good buddy, Rob.

  • In Memoriam

    A. G. Russell


    How do I get eady for the chaat?

    A. G.

  • Ron Cooper

    Yep! I had just taken the fur down earlier in the day. But now I know why I grew a beard to begin with. You ladies have make-up to hide behind. Us old guys use facial hair to hide the wrinkles and the sagging jowls. Like I said -- Now I remember why I grew the beard in the first place. *Ouch!*

    But, hey! It's a nice change of pace. For a while, at least.

    Thanks for noticing, Miss Jan! *grin*

  • Sunil Ram

    Jan, when do the Club Knives start shipping?

  • Ken Spielvogel

    Jan, could you tell us more about the Knife show at SMKW in Dec.

    Is it Thurs-Sat?   Are all knives represented or just Bulldogs? Thanks Jan.

  • Ken Spielvogel

    Thanks Jan, sounds like a good show. We will plan on coming. Its separate from SMKW but close, is that right?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, please read my post in the Outdoor Group about camping and the tipsy tent camping trip. You will enjoy it. Rob

  • Brian Hyndman


  • Gary Roberson, CPA

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Jan.

  • KnifeMaker

    M. Carpenter

    Many thanks. My mother will be 100 in a couple of weeks. It  puts my 70th birthday into perspective.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, how are you and Donnie? I was wondering about the knife contest, I offered. Any ideas? Please, let me know. I am just trying to excite the members, when things slow down.

  • Len Mosley

    Thanks Jan! My last year in the 60's, but who counts anymore |:)

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, I lost ya'll address again. Could you please give it to me soon as possible. Thanks Rob.

  • KnifeMaker

    tom k

    thanks. i don't want any more though. i responded to you about the next show but still not sure i did in the right place.

  • Frank Stennett

    New computer and the works. Am I get through?

  • KnifeMaker

    Zane Blackwell

    Thanks Jan! Looks like I'm in good company!

  • John McDowell

    thankyou very much miss jan for the kniife,i love!daddy says it the best squirrel and rabbit knife he ever seen.and its pink camo.my first neck knife.i have to go to school now.chalee

  • KnifeMaker

    John Cammenga Sr

    Thank you Jan!  We just returned from the Tulsa show - wow!  If you haven't been there yet, you should go in the Spring.  Mostly guns- but with 4,200 tables, there are a LOT of knives too.  Some very nice collections.  Say Hi to Don...

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, the surgery went well, with only one small complication. I should recover fast. Thanks for your concern.

  • B. Jackson

    Jan, thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to taking my shoes off and getting comfortable.

  • KnifeMaker

    Jeff West

    thank you for the welcome as soon as i figure out how to upload of my pc ill post pic's etc

  • Ricky L McConnell


                 Got the trivia knife the other day. It was great, thanks again.

  • Ricky L McConnell

    I did not realize you lived in Tampa untill the other day. I love the Tampa area, and Clearwater beach also. Busch gardens is great too.  I have been to Tampa many times.

  • KnifeMaker

    Carl Rechsteiner

    You folks that are looking for "different" knife events to attend....all are welcome to attend my Trackrock Hammer-ins in Blairsville, GA. Not the typical Hammer-in event. I hold two a year, spring and fall, open and free to the public. I will be posting an announcement after the first of the year, but the date has been set for the last weekend in March 2014.


  • Claes Wallgren

    Hi and thanks Jan! 

    That looks like some fine studies;-)!

    Take care! 

  • KnifeMaker


    thanks for looking . this knife is a 4 inch 2 blade pocket wi=
    th what looks like ether celluloid, bakealight maybe bone but i think a kin=
    d of plastic. the large blade  is the only one marked. (timon germany)=
    . looks to be about 50 or 60s. i resived it and two imperials about the sam=
    e age. i'v all ways  been a bottle collector or coins. when  move=
    d i found all the knives i have and thought i should learn a little more ab=
    out them then just liking the way they feel and look. wish i could spend mo=
    re time with the group but you dont see many from Oregon so by the time i g=
    et on line its late  back east. i do appreciate any help. hope it worm=
    ed up a little for you

  • Gary B.

    Thanks Jan.

  • KnifeMaker

    Carl Rechsteiner


    I have not worked up the official announcement for the Spring event. Under heavy workload right here before Christmas (typical for a knifemaker). You can Google "Trackrock Hammer-in" and Trackrock.com for more general info. If you are a member on KNF or Bladeforums a "search" will bring up a lot of past event info with pics as well.

    Makes for a great camping weekend getaway. I will send you the formal announcement for posting sometime in Jan.

    Thanks for your interest.