Marble's # 1 Safety Pocket Axe

Model # 1
Weight ~ 16 oz
Length ~ 10"
Head ~ 2.125" * 3.875"

My maternal grandfather's. Mom's not sure how/when he got it.

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Comment by Michael Kelley Sr. on February 24, 2011 at 0:26

Shes a beauty Dale, I also came across one a few years ago but didn't know what to make of it. Will post a picture once I remember which box of collectibles it's in.


I've got a lot to learn.

Comment by Halicon on February 12, 2011 at 21:34
Yep, as I said before, if this was something I found it would be a rare gem. I'm glad to see that you instead of selling it off wish for it to pass down in your family. Just make sure to teach her how to fold it correctly and care for it so she understands the emotional value it has for your family :)
Comment by Halicon on February 12, 2011 at 20:58
That's the kind of old world crafts I look for daily. Gorgeous portable hatchet.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on August 5, 2010 at 8:20
By 1898 Mr. Marble had designed and patented his now famous "Safety Axe". A modest one room manufacturing facility located behind his home became the "Marble Safety Axe Company" and the dedicated entrepreneur was on his way. Over the next quarter century Marble designed and patented axes, sporting knives, guns and numerous other hunting and outdoor related products. In 1911 the company was renamed "Marble Arms and Manufacturing Company", the first of several name changes over the years.

Also, three screws on the handle scales is indicative of early production .. later (most) production had only two.
Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on March 7, 2010 at 17:00
This is a real classic, Dale, and it looks sharp and ready to split some wood for a nice camp cookout.
Comment by Trent Rock on March 6, 2010 at 19:23
That is way nice!!! Great story too...Take good care of grandpappy's axe!!!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on March 6, 2010 at 18:37
... visited family farm in WI last wk ... asked Mom if I could get some pics of Gpa's old safety hatchet ... she gave me this ... a nice little piece of history !!!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on March 6, 2010 at 18:28
My grandfather's axe !!!

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