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Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on September 25, 2009 at 5:44
It has a nice padded leather case, but when I'm in the boonies I wear it on a lanyard around my neck. It is a special run of a fairly rare and expensive commercial model of that time, but mage with different materials, completely waterproof, no serials of ID numbers, and several other major changes. It has enough radium to where it would no longer be allowed on airplanes — one patch is specifically for reading a map up close.
Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on September 21, 2009 at 11:04
Don — — That's what it cost to have these made in the late 1950's, so it would be a lot more in today's money. There were only a few made, and they are made of materials and construction methods not found on any other machine. I have spent 40 years trying to find another. A few old timers said, "Yeah — I saw one of those once." but that's so far. Large instrument dealers have made the same comment. I should say $11,000 compass to adjust for inflation.

Brian — — Been fortunant to do a lot of camping. Grandpaw Voelkle and my Dad started me pig, coon, squirrel and deer hunting, on walking light pack campouts in the early 1950s. I was a Scoutmaster in the early 1970 for a couple of years. Bark River mad it easy to put together a dream of a bushcraft knife set. Have two more sets on the way, with different knives,

Rob — — The bely loop will accomodate a two inch belt of normal thickness, say 1/4" or below. I'm happy as a cat to have these functional little set. Real solid knives -- amazingly so.

White River Knives

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