Victorinox Green Classic with a metal Coat of Arms for the City of Calgary attached onto the front scale.

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Comment by Wayne Whitted on October 26, 2011 at 15:23

There is an enlargement of the crest next photo over if you care to see it.  Here is a Wikipedia article link to see the crest in an easy to understand diagram.


Coat of Arms crest City of Calgary

Comment by Craig Henry on October 22, 2011 at 16:37

WOW! Nice collection. I'm impressed! You have some REALLY nice Classics in there! The most I ever had was about 300.  I always thought that collecting Classics was a never ending endeavor. You have one great collection there!


A guy came up to me at one show and showed me a Pratt and Whitney Classic. Being interested in military stuff and aircraft too, I wanted that thing BAD! He wouldn't sell it to me no matter what. As you can see, I still think about it.

Comment by Wayne Whitted on October 22, 2011 at 10:45

OH no. I don't think its possible to. There are too many. I do have various online photo albums with quite a few but even they do not have ALL of my classics which number well over 1500. Here is one of my most interesting photo albums with only 58mm sized Victorinox SAK's. It has about 400 or so in it.


Victorinox 58mm Sized Knives

Comment by Craig Henry on October 22, 2011 at 0:31
Cool! Do you have a picture of all your Classics?
Comment by Wayne Whitted on October 21, 2011 at 17:34
I have a few of the US Presidential Signed Classics. LBJ, G.Bush Sr., VP's Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney. Missing the Reagan Classic.

Comment by Craig Henry on October 21, 2011 at 17:16

VERY interesting Wayne! Nice shield!


I used to collect Victorinox Classics MANY, MANY, moons ago! I had several chances to buy Classics with U.S. Presidents signatures inlayed in them, but the people always wanted waaay more than I was willing to pay for them.

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