Schatt & Morgan Premier #043081 Humpback Lockback Whittler

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In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on September 4, 2016 at 18:59

There exist 3 others (in current production) that I am aware of David .........

Frost makes one ..&.. you get exactly what you pay for. He offers about a dozen different variations ..but.. his site is currently out of stock on all but this one. The blade steel is 440A ..&.. he has the blades hardened above the suggested range for that steel. The result looks good in the sales lit ..but.. is a brittle blade that will snap relatively easily. I know ..as.. I've given a bunch of these away as a kids first knife. The locking main blade is wonderful for a kid's first knife. The price is such that when broken or lost (rather common w/ a kid's first knife) .. no one but the youngster is upset.

Rough Rider does or did make one .. RR1075 ..as.. Frost has it listed on his site  ..currently.. "Out of Stock". I've never seen this one listed anywhere else.

Robert Klass makes one .. available through A.G. Russell. The blade steel is 440A & tempered w/i the acceptable range for that steel. Unfortunately .. that's 56 +/-1 HRC .. which is a bit on the soft side for me. However .. I've never experienced anything negative when dealing with AG .. it would probably make an OK EDC. I can & do recommend AG as a good source for cutlery !!!

David Gallup said : Anybody know of any others?

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on September 4, 2016 at 18:34

Wasn't sitting out on the porch, John ..but.. did find a stick.

A piece of ceder originally used as a spacer in a box of cigars.

John Bamford said ... "You need a piece of stick and a porch now."

Comment by David Gallup on September 4, 2016 at 11:38

I've got one of those and love it.  Not positive but I probably bought it from Risner as well, always very good prices.  I really like whittlers and it's so rare to find a lockback whittler.The only others I have are two Case-Bose.  Anybody know of any others?

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on August 30, 2016 at 19:42

You're funny , Derek !!


Quite honestly .. I'm quite frugal (cheap) ..&.. I always returned to purchase from Clarance because NOBODY was beating his prices.

And when I go to buy a knife .. I shop .. 'n shop .. 'n shop .......

I'd even go so far as to process the order far enough to get shipping charges on ea site .. and always .. returned to CRISNER because he was offering the best price I could find.

I purchased my teardrop (#06L) .. my split spring whittler (#48) ..&.. a number of others because he ALWAYS had the best price at the time.

And .. I always got what I paid for .. a good Queen knife. My first PH-D2 blade steel came from him .. that is some good blade steel !!!

I believe .. his grandson is truly following in his footsteps. The level of personal service I've received with this order .. is simply .. unique. This young man cares ..&.. it's obvious he cares.
I'll post pics of the actual knife when I get it along with a brief review ..however.. I can already tell you I'll be ordering from him again. That's the level of personal service I received .. already !!!



D ale

Comment by Paul S on August 30, 2016 at 18:16


    This is an attractive knife. Case, Queen, Great Eastern, and a few others keep the traditional knives going.

Comment by Derek Wells on August 30, 2016 at 17:18

You are a very VERY evil man D ale ... leading me into temptation.

 I have just visited  Clarence Risner's S&M.com site. So many wonderful knives, so little time and next to no funds .......... 

I hope Austin continues where his Grandfather left off.

Comment by Austin Jackson on August 30, 2016 at 7:45

Thank you Dale for the nice comment! Hope you enjoy the whittler!

Comment by J.J. Smith III on August 29, 2016 at 16:25
Two big ol thumbs up, brother D.
Comment by John Bamford on August 29, 2016 at 9:20

That is a good looking knife Dale and you have certainly earned it with the hours you have been putting in !

I think a lock on a whittler makes a whole lot of sense .

Very attractive bolsters as well .

You need a piece of stick and a porch now .

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on August 28, 2016 at 20:32

Turns out .. the Premier Series was unique to C Risner .. special agreement between Clarence & Queen.

1 of 350 pcs

!!! .. I can carry that .. !!!


Big Smile

White River Knives

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