I must admit that a really had some apprehension about purchasing RAT Cutlery's Sere knife. Mainly, as a big Ontario owner, my comparative experience has been that while the RAT editions offer better overall fit and finish, their price tag is a little high. And so this was the case with the RC5 Sere that you see in this photo. Well...Ross...one of my friends here on iKnifeCollector really infected me with "Sere" fever. So, I went ahead and purchased the one shown in this photo. Oh..am I GLAD that I did!!! What a superb fixed blade knife! Attention to detail is FLAWLESS. The OD green coloration...carried out even on the 1095 blade's powder coat finish. And the sheath is the best weave sheath I've ever encountered. I realize that my edition is a little different from some of the more visible versions...but I was absolutely blown away the second that I took this knife out of it's package. Simply AWESOME...and worth every single penny...and more. Home run RAT!!!!

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Comment by Randy, HHH Knives on October 31, 2009 at 7:36
whats the oal on that RAT?
Comment by Randy, HHH Knives on October 31, 2009 at 7:36
This is a very similar design to what I went for on the diamond willow knife.. I love the handle shape and feel in the hand. Makes for a VERY secure and comfortable grip. with smooth flowing lines its easy on the eye too!
RAT continues to put out a GREAT product!

White River Knives

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