One of the fun parts of having a collection takes place when we go back through it and revisit various pieces. This took place for me while going through some of my Spyderco knives. Shown here is a first generation Military with Titanium handle scales. As I understand it, the difference between generations is that that the second gen Millie's have a steel plate located against the inside of the frame lock. This feature ensures that the Titanium lockbar doesn't wear out. Good idea, really.

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Comment by Ron Cooper on August 5, 2012 at 16:16

Chris, you are quite welcome. The Spyderco Military is one of my all time favorite knives...in either flavor!

Comment by Chris Stookey on August 5, 2012 at 16:10

Hey, Ron! If that's hijacking...it's the kind that I like! Thanks for augmenting what I said with great photos and some real visual examples of the product.

Comment by Ron Cooper on August 5, 2012 at 15:48

My Ti Military has the steel plate added to beef up the locking mechanism. I've snapped a few quick pics to show what you are talking about. I also took a couple of pics to contrast the difference between the Ti Military and its RIL (Reeve Integral Lock) compared to the G10 Military and its Michael Walker liner lock. See below...

Pictured above and below is the Ti Military and the RIL with the steel bar that Chris spoke about.

Spyderco Military comparison pictures below...

The pic above shows the different locking mechanisms of the Ti Military (Reeve Integral Lock) and the G10 Military (Michael Walker liner lock). Below is a full pic of both.

Good stuff, Chris! I hope that I haven't highjacked your thread?


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