Looking at this photo, a few of you may be thinking, "Nice Caly 3 with carbon fiber on it!" If so, you're close...but not quite right. What? Look just a bit closer. See it?

Yep...this is my latest "slip it" acquisition; the UK Pen Knife with Carbon Fiber scales. This design's roots should be obvious to any Spyderco fan; the Caly. Basically, the UK Pen Knife is a Caly...only with a slip joint instead of a lock back.

There are a number of things that I really like about this knife.

* Carbon Fiber...polished (too bad it isn't like the Sage 1). The scales are THICK...making for a knife that is way stronger than it's slip-joint construction.

* CPM S30V blade steel with a nicely-sized deployment Spydie hole. This is one that your thumb can "grab". And the action on this little buddie is fairly decent for a slip joint.

* Spyderco's wire pocket clip. Yes, I know that several of you see this as some wimpy paper clip. You're wrong, amigos. That steel is super tough and doesn't bend easily...putting it mildly.

* Made in Golden, Colorado...Earth. Top notch quality from our friends at Spyderco HQ.

Those of you that read the text accompanying the orange G10 version of the UK Pen Knife know that I'm a fan of this design...even if the political drivers behind it grate on me a little.

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