Not sure if Frank B produced these but got several 10-12 years ago. Had to keep this one. Beautiful colored horn.

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Comment by Barry McDonald on August 12, 2013 at 14:06
Have a couple other 9-inchers I didn't shoot. Pretty standard blond both from Frank. Now about posting pix...this thread started when my uploaded pix appeared, I think on the main board (opening page), but they are saved in my photos. If I want to share a photo in a specific post must I first upload to my photos (which will apparently put them on the main board), then add them from "my photos" to the specific post in a specific group? How do I do that?
Comment by john6553 on August 11, 2013 at 19:01
Hi Barry,
It could very well be Frank B knife. The overall design and shape looks like Campolin. Angelo usually uses the big broad blade like on your knife. They are large full awesome looking blades. I have bayonet that looks very similar the blade design on your knife just imagine your dagger with a bayonet blade and with a stag handle. Overall looks pretty much the same.
Barry, I just saw a few of your other knives you just posted. Wow wicked cool great collection of Italian stilettos. Most of the collectors here don't have Italian stilettos great to see someone who does! Not to say that the other knives aren't cool because they really cool too. A knife in any shape or form is a great knife; I love them all.
Comment by Barry McDonald on August 11, 2013 at 18:11
I got it from Frank, but at the time I vaguely remember some discussion somewhere that his shop didn't produce this style knife, but got them from somebody else in Maniago??? Accidentally posted another shot upside down.... Can't figure out how to remove it!
Comment by Max McGruder on August 11, 2013 at 18:06

Wow, that sure is a beauty!

Comment by john6553 on August 11, 2013 at 17:59
Hello Barry,
The scales on that swinger are awesome. The horn has an amazing translucent quality. The brass liners give them a beautiful golden color. Is it a Frank B or a Campolin made knife?

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