Made from a truck spring using a bench grinder and a six inch portable grinder. I really ought to finish it.

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Comment by Ron Cooper on August 4, 2013 at 5:41

Boy, that's a hefty hunk o' steel. And oil quenched to boot! That big boy is just screaming for a nice handle and a little love.

Comment by Rich Miller on August 3, 2013 at 20:24

Ok 30+ years ago I decided I was a knife maker made a bunch of small ones that I gave away. One day I'm diggin through the scrap steel pile by the garage and come upon this piece of truck spring that is perfectly flat {turns out my cousin had heated and flattened to make a knife} {shouldn't have left it lay around} so I decide it would make a great bowie.

Only thing I had to work with was a 6 inch bench grinder and a 6 inch portable grinder. Spent several weeks shaping the blade did a pretty good job with what I had to work with. Then knowing nothing about tempering I tossed it in the coal stove heated it cherry red then tossed it in a bucket of oil.Must of done something right it holds a very good edge. Several more weeks smoothing and polishing with files then crocus cloth then buffing compound with an electric drill { this was all done in my spare time working two jobs besides}

Now for a tang guard. Dad had a round brass bar that I filed flat polished and fit to the tang with the electric drill and bits as well as a file. Brazed it in place and made a handle out of walnut. Got three big brass rivets from grandpa and proceeded to rivet on the handle first two rivets went easy third one put up a fight got a bigger hammer and proceeded to smash my walnut handle.Got disgusted with it and threw the whole mess in a box and there she's been ever since. I robbed the guard for another project but don't remember what.

Comment by Jan Carter on August 3, 2013 at 20:07

I too would like to hear the story and see the finished product

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on August 3, 2013 at 20:02

I like it, spring steel is one of my favorites. We would love to see the finished product.


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