bit of an odd one, I was convinced of it being an older victorinox last night after seeing some picture,s but subsequent posting and messaging has yeilded no one willing to comment, might remain mystery, it's nice solid slipjoint though

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Comment by Peter Howard on April 19, 2014 at 0:50

I was trading with a  friend of mine in MI, and he sent a  picture of this one, and he agreed to include it in the trade...cost me a Buck vantage and lather sheath. :)

I plan on keeping it, that's a fact :)

Comment by Ron Cooper on April 18, 2014 at 21:05


It's a great conversation starter, if nothing else. But I do think it's a very cool knife and I would definitely hang on to it. Who knows, maybe one day someone will positively know who made it and can fill in the blanks for you? And, without actually handling it, I would venture to guess that it is indeed some type of horn on the handles?

Also, please forgive me if I missed it, but, how did you happen to come across this enigmatic piece of cutlery? Curious minds need to know!

Comment by Peter Howard on April 18, 2014 at 20:36

Also, yeah I'd call it horn, I'm no expert but I have horn scales on another knife and I think it is, best guess :)

Comment by Peter Howard on April 18, 2014 at 20:33

thanks Ron!, Nice to see you here to! and you have it exactly right, of course, I've been telling everyone who;ll listen about it here, my wife looks mad (she's heard it several times today) even though on one really is interested:)

Comment by Ron Cooper on April 18, 2014 at 18:14


The answer is: Maybe, yes? Maybe, no? But, perhaps? 

Perhaps it is a French made version, or copy, of the Victorinox "Farmer" knife? A pattern that was widely copied throughout Europe over the years.  

The latter answer was speculated because Victorinox typically only had one bolster. Peter's knife has bolsters at both ends. Also, it was suggested that it might be French because oftentimes french knife makers did not mark their knives. Peter's knife has no markings, either.

Here is a copy of the picture that was offered for comparison. Please note that these are all horn handled Victorinox "Farmer's" knives and they all have either one or no bolsters...

I would love to see Wayne weigh in on this subject! But for the moment the only answer is Perhaps?

Comment by Jan Carter on April 18, 2014 at 17:49

well what was the answer??  Is it an old Victorinox?

Comment by Ron Cooper on April 18, 2014 at 4:07


That knife sure does look a lot like a Victorinox Sailor -- Which is a 2 layer, 93mm, alox Swiss Army Knife. (See pic below)


Of course, as the picture shows, the blade orientation is somewhat different on these two knives. But, I can definitely see why you might be inclined to think it was an early Victorinox offering.

On you knife, as best that you can tell, are the scales made from an animal horn? Such as a bull, for instance. In your picture it's really kind of hard to tell. But it does bear a strong resemblance to ox or bull horn. At least to my eye it does?

Also, are there any distinctive markings on your knife that might give us a clue? 



LOL! Peter,

In my efforts to find an answer for you I went over to one of my old haunts. Where, lo' n' behold, I just happened to find you and your knife along with an individual who gave you the answers that you were looking for here. 

I apologize for not seeing and responding to your query earlier. However, I had just signed on to iKC a short time before discovering your post. As you can see by the answer that I was in the middle of providing (I left it--above--just because). I didn't have an answer for you. I was merely acknowledging the same similarities that you had observed.

My name is "Currahee" on that other board. And, just as soon as I post this message here, I will poke my head in over there just to say hello and welcome you aboard.

I'm glad you got your answer! And, again, I offer my apologies that no one even responded to your question here. Sorry! Sometimes message boards like this require patience as we are literally all over the map and reside in different time zones here on Mother Earth.

Cheers, my friend!


White River Knives

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