From the collection of Tony Bose

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Comment by Ron Cooper on March 10, 2013 at 6:38

Bob, my dear friend! I am truly sorry to hear of the stag handled catastrophe! I would be heart broken, as I'm sure you must be. I hope that you will be returning it for either a refund or a replacement? I know how stiff the import tariffs are for you blokes living over there in that perpetual London fog. In any event, I do hope that it can be remedied in a satisfactory and expeditious manner. Just a suggestion, but you might want to try one of your always reliable, über dependable, sleek and handsome, Swiss Army Knives! Jus' sayin' ?

Cheers, my friend!

Comment by Craig Henry on March 9, 2013 at 18:35


Comment by Jan Carter on March 8, 2013 at 17:46

Lol,now I want chocolate AND a knife

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 8, 2013 at 15:14

Mr. Biggs,

After carefully considering a possible, suitable punishment for this most recent slandering of the Swiss Army Knife. I have finally arrived at what I feel is a reasonable conclusion. There is an old saying, an idiom, that "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." So, in that vein, I believe that an exceptionally stubborn individual--such as yourself--might possibly respond better to such an approach? Perhaps if I offer you a much sweeter reward you will change your way of thinking about the fabled Swiss Army Knife?

Let's give it a try...

Here ya go, Bob!

Yum! You wouldn't call this blade "namby pamby," would you?

Comment by Guy Fleetwood on March 8, 2013 at 14:45

Here's mine.

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 8, 2013 at 14:24

ut oh!

Bob, I thought we already had this discussion. Apparently you just can't keep those naughty little fingertips from typing disparaging remarks about SAK's. After this latest outburst I'm beginning to wonder if Simple Green would even be strong enough to cleanse the evil from those digits of yours? Perhaps we should consider something stronger and more readily available?

In the meantime, I am recommending that you bow down before the Victorinox Dog Buddha and beg his forgiveness...

All praise be to Victorinox!

Repeat after me, Bob:

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

SAK's do not have namby pamby little blades.

Now, I want you to go to your room and I don't want you to come out until you can speak of SAK's with a civil tongue in your mouth. I will have to give more thought to what astringent agent might be suitable to cleanse those offending digits of yours. I'll get back to you on that...try to behave in the meantime.

Comment by Guy Fleetwood on March 8, 2013 at 9:15

 That is the only kit I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing .

Comment by Jan Carter on March 8, 2013 at 5:40

I agree, he does have some WAY COOL stuff.  I am glad he is willing to share it with us.  These are things you could look and look for and never see

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 8, 2013 at 4:26

Cool stuff, indeed!

Comment by Max McGruder on March 7, 2013 at 23:05

Tony has some of the coolest stuff!

White River Knives

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