This is an old C Platts Toenail that I lucked into a couple weeks ago. It just basically walked up to me and said "buy me" if you know what I mean. There is one major problem, the small blade is broken off near the tang. Even with that being said I still feel this is one of the nicest knives in my collection (and I have many). I have been trying to get an opinion on the value of this knife with a broken blade but cant seem to get a response from anyone. I dont understand why but I guess I will eventually find out. I know what they are valued at if the blade was in tact but not sure now. I have no intentions on selling it at this point but it would be nice to have an idea of the value. I think it is a beauty of a find!!!!

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Comment by peter force on July 16, 2012 at 5:49

this is a beauty...and if youwere to resell it would end up most likely having new blade installed ,faked and sold on the bay or hundreds.... as is...i agree with broken blade it looks great.i looks nice and cleaned....was the blade broken or worn down and then filed the rest of teh way down to make this  a single blade knife?i see tht alot on tons of knives.... anyway i like this...this is one of those pattrns that just says TAKE ME HOME...i would have bvought it with both blades broke just for the history....I HAVE A BONE YARD!!!!  ..lol... great blade... could you shed any updates....also i know few folks who would replace that second blade for you.great find!

Comment by stephen tungate on July 17, 2011 at 9:12
nice knife chris...
Comment by Doug Scearce on May 21, 2011 at 6:40
Ask Scott he collects that knife!! Nice find!!

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