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Comment by John Kellogg on March 14, 2016 at 12:33

Thanks for the follow up Jeremy. Glad you enjoyed my story and......I am learning a lot from your new interest!!


Comment by John McDowell on March 14, 2016 at 11:55

im a fan of condor,i have several,all see to do there job,there going to do a frontier series,cant wait.

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on March 14, 2016 at 11:29

John - Bankline is similar to paracord. I will be carrying some of each in my bag. I am not as familiar with the bankline, but have heard a lot of good things about it. Once I get a chance to put it to the test, I will try to remember to report back on what I think of it. Bankline comes in many different sizes. I bought the 2 that seem to be the most popular to those who use it for bushcrafting. That is a cool story about patching the tire John. I think we would all be amazed at what we can do,if we only try. We don't have to carry one everything, including the kitchen sink, everywhere we go, but wee can improvise, with what we have.

Comment by Jan Carter on March 9, 2016 at 19:06

AHHH!  The Condor has landed!  I can't wait to see it get some use and hear about it

Comment by John Kellogg on March 8, 2016 at 21:42

I'm not familiar with Condor knives but it looks like a good ol hearty knife!

Is bankline something like paracord?? Things have changed since I did this stuff, I used to use a yellow string rope nylon stuff but it stood out like no tomorrow, however it was cheap and strong. It's never to late to update the good ol "B.O.B." or survival bag though. I better get to work. Side note....I patched a tire with that cheap nylon string rope and a bic lighter.It got me thirty miles from no where in the woods to a town with a tire store!! Yes it was my second flat in the same day hunting. I had used my spare.

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on March 8, 2016 at 19:58

Thanks John. It sure is, part of my B.O.B. and camping bag. I really like it so far. Not a bad price on it either.

Comment by John Kellogg on March 8, 2016 at 19:28

Nice looking knife Jeremy, Part of your survival bag?

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