Paul J Granger's Blog (4)

Tips For Success Making Full Tang Knives Part 1

Hello All,

A couple people asked about this subject, so I put some thoughts together. this installment deals with the tang. Next installment covers the handle material itself. I hope you find it worth a read.

Tips on Success for Full Tang Knives Part One

by Paul Granger of Largo, Florida copyright 2006

The following is of course my opinion and my method. There are as many ways to do a thing as there are people who want to do it. And most of…


Added by Paul J Granger on June 30, 2010 at 11:31 — No Comments

Powder Steel Damascus

Someone asked about making damascus with powdered steel. Here is a brief overview based on my knowledge and experience. This info is based on making carbon steel damascus. You can introduce small quantities of stainless to carbon steel damascus and continue to treat it (and heat-treat it just like carbon steel). Most of time you see a repeating pattern in a blade, you are seeing powder steel damascus. Often when you see bolsters with the same pattern, you are seeing powder steel damascus. Here… Continue

Added by Paul J Granger on January 19, 2010 at 11:29 — 5 Comments

What is Damascus?

Someone asked me recently, what is damascus? Simply put damascus steel is what you get when you take two or more types of steel (usually), put them into a forge, bring them up to welding temp (about 2000 - 2100 degrees), pull them out and quickly hammer them together into one solid pice of steel.

Typically you will start with 5 - 10 layers of steel approx one inch wide, 3 inches long and 1/8th" thick.

They will be stacked together in alternate layers. One end of the stack will… Continue

Added by Paul J Granger on January 15, 2010 at 12:00 — 5 Comments

Various Instructional Knife Making Links

Those of you in the early stages of knife making might find these links useful.

Good luck! Be sure to use common sense and always be very safe and cautious!

Remember: you only get two eyes, two ears, two lungs and ten fingers. Try to

make them last at least 100 years.

General knifemaking links:…


Added by Paul J Granger on January 6, 2010 at 8:46 — 4 Comments

White River Knives

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