Clip Knife Pocket Damage Issue Resolved

I have been a collector of knives since I inherited a WWII K-bar from my grandfather back in the early 70's. Since then, a pocket clip knife has been a daily addition to my attire. 

The downside to the clip knife is the wear it puts on your pocket ruining your pants pocket way before the pants themselves are worn out.  I finally found a solution,

I purchased a clip knife pocket defender on Etsy. It is applied permanently to your pants and comes in four different colors. It is made of leather; my knife stays secure and does not slip off like the kydex  clip on protector I purchased a while back.    I have provided a link below.  

Hope this helps everyone, let me know if they worked for you. 

   Clip Knife Pocket Guard, Pant Pocket Protector, Gift for Him/her, K...

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Comment by Lars Ray on April 12, 2024 at 17:27

Hey Gary - I'm so glad you chose to write about this here. Not only is it a great review, but it promotes something long needed. I saw this on Etsy too some time back. As I work in a bank corporate building with No Weapons signs all over the place, wearing a knife - even clipped in one's pocket, is not a good career move. So I keep my  Kershaw Crown in my work pack - man-style!. It's less intimidating to co-works when I do use it as a tool.

But the issue is the same whether it's in your pocket or in a pack pocket - it wears down the fabric. So I say again - well done for promoting this here. :-D

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