I haven't made this model for quite a long time, but I still can do it. The steel is 1.2379 (D2), hardened up to about 60 HRc. The handle is black micarta.

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Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on July 17, 2016 at 2:46

Ron, one of them will be with palm tree scales, and the other is ordered just as blade. The customer wants me to prepare it (cut the sblade, rough grind the bevels, HT and finish the bevels), so he can make the handle.

Jan, it is no effort. It is my mistake to use Google Disk, so I had to upload the images to another platform. All my knives are first drawn with CorelDraw. When I like how it looks, I print the model and make a wooden prototype to try how it feels, is it too long or too short, is it comfortable or not, etc. And after that I start cutting steel. 

Having all the patterns on my laptop helps when a customer comes and says: Your blade is 100*25mm, I want it 120*30mm. And I just open the file and pull it to the desired dimensions.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 16, 2016 at 16:32


Yes I can certainly see them now.  I appreciate the effort to reload them so we could see!  I know many stock removal makers use patterns, I can appreciate that it sure can save on the steel and make a more repeatable pattern.  It always throws me for a moment, I think I have become used to works in progress being very primitive (Donnie forges)

Comment by Ron Cooper on July 16, 2016 at 14:46


The photos are visible to me, now. They weren't last night when I looked. 

Thanks for showing this process. Will these also have black micarta handles? 

Looking forward to seeing the finished knives!

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on July 16, 2016 at 12:31

Sorry - Google Disk.

Are they visible now?

Comment by Jan Carter on July 16, 2016 at 9:59

The photos are not showing for me

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on July 13, 2016 at 22:27

Jan, this is not a knife for collection. This is a knife to hang it on your belt or to put it in your backpack, go outdoors, shoot something and put it to work.

A friend of mine came to my workshop a few months ago and asked me to make him a knife. I had one belt knife ready and gave it to him. The guy looked at is a little suspicious and asked if I have another knife. I told him to take the knife, go hunting, shoot something he hunts and skin it. And after that, if he likes the knife, he will pay me. The next weekend he almost broke my phone calling me to tell how about how comfortable the knife is and now eazy it is to skin with it.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 13, 2016 at 13:22


This is a style I have long admired and hope to one day have in the collection

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on July 10, 2016 at 22:27

Thanks! This is my favorite knife and when one day I make a knife for myself this will be it.

Comment by Ron Cooper on July 10, 2016 at 19:02

Stunning work! I especially like the polished black micarta handle! Your sheath is beautiful, too!

Comment by John Bamford on July 10, 2016 at 14:03

Beautiful job !!

White River Knives

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