HATER(S) IN OUR MIDST (iKnifeCollector)...

ar·bi·trary: a : based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something.

b : existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will.

Hey Guys...It's been a while since I wrote a Blog but, over the past 6-7 months I seen someone arbitrarily give not only mine but, a lot of other videos low ratings. I'm talkingthen over a period of time my friends and supporters trying to build it up to ★★★★★.

We're putting up videos to share information with our fellow members. Most of you know I post videos on youtube and there I really don't care about ratings because there are lot of "HATERS" on youtube.

But, HERE!!! We're suppose to be a diverse group of knife enthusiast that share a common interest and supposedly support each other. I guess some people wouldn't agree with that statement.

I'd like to see the person(s) that give the low ratings own up to it by leaving a comment. Was the video quality bad? Insufficient research? Wrong information? Or are they just jealous...lol!

Just pointing out that we have; HATER(S) IN OUR MIDST (iKnifeCollector)...JT

Views: 82

Tags: arbitrary, haters, iknifecollector, jealous, own, post, video, your

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Comment by Trent Rock on May 22, 2010 at 17:52
I've never rated any videos, for the record...If you were to post videos of a Frost Cutlery knife, I would give you a 1 star because I think they are junk...:)

White River Knives




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