I am sure most knife enthusiast have particular things which immediately make them salivate while other knifes get added to a collection but not fondled and/or used with affection as those which have specific attributes which make them drool. For me several things in tangent attract me, which can best be seen in several folders, Emerson Commander, Bram Frank’s LLC, and Benchmade AFCK. There are many knifes which in others eyes exceed these mentioned here and rightfully so based on personal opinion and usage. Which brings me to my latest acquisition from Mantis, model MT5 which is one elegant folder that fits my hand (and would guess very well for most hands) like a glove. Any ways I have only had it less than one hour but know this will become a favorite among my daily carry in regards to cycling in and out other folders usually every three months one folder gets swapped out while three remain constant.

Below are several photos of the MT5

Views: 38

Tags: Tactical, folder

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Comment by Kevin S Gallagher on October 31, 2010 at 5:25
Halicon, yes it has a very nice grip indeed. In regards to showing a bit in the pocket, not a problem here in Oregon where a large percentage of the population carry folders.
Comment by Kevin S Gallagher on October 31, 2010 at 5:23
Hog, I have no particular use for this folder, I was looking at another one and noticed this one and the wallet opened :-)
Comment by Halicon on October 31, 2010 at 1:18
Nice pincher type grip. Not something I would choose to walk with however as I see the config for carrying it will have it showing a bit in the pocket, plus that people in this country this flippers are automatic homing missiles that find your liver in some sort of non-gravity manner and stabs it.

I've said it once and I will say it again. People seriously underestimate kitchen knives! lol
Comment by Kevin S Gallagher on September 3, 2010 at 8:30
KG the flipper action is a bit tight when compared to other flippers.
Comment by kage on August 6, 2010 at 3:44
How's the flipper action on the MT 5? The specs list it as 9.1 oz, is it a "good heft" or do you find it weighty?
Comment by Kevin S Gallagher on August 4, 2010 at 20:35
Hog, the handle is in a league of it's own in regards to "keeping the grip" under just about any condition. I see the main duty for this folder to be for defense purposes and of course utility. I have been carrying it for my left side carry, have switched the clip to make it so.

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