I have another one for everyone.

Here is another knife from the auction box.

It seems to be from the Middle east and the construction is of good quality.

There are makers marks on the blade and the year 1971.

Anyone know where this is from and if it is worth much?

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Comment by David R Ressler, CSP on October 30, 2017 at 18:21

Sorry I haven't been on in a long time. Life has been busy!

Any more news on this?

Comment by David R Ressler, CSP on September 29, 2017 at 20:06

Here are pictures of both side of the handle.

Comment by David R Ressler, CSP on September 29, 2017 at 20:05

Comment by Jan Carter on September 29, 2017 at 19:48


So, our resident world traveler having spent a good bit of time in that area of the world has some info but is looking for some more pictures.  Here is what we know so far, so post some pics with what he is requesting and lets see what shakes out

I am not sure on the Arabic but the top line has something to do with time. The owl is a sign of evil or foreboding . Bad things happen with the owl. The date on the knife is 1961. The final lines are likely....the signature of the maker. This knife was handmade likely in Iraq but I am not sure. If you can send me a full picture so I can get a look at the handle. From what I see here, it resembles one I bought in Kurdistan. However, the language is not Kurdish but Arabic. If you can send me a picture of the handle. Thanks. I hope you and the hubby are doing well.

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