Charles Sample's Comments

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At 15:06 on October 2, 2015, Kees ( KC ) Mension said…

..... and charles  lets not forget that here in the Netherlands this is not a cheap knife ( more than  $150 )

At 14:56 on October 2, 2015, Kees ( KC ) Mension said…

i have an alpha hunter for a few years.. perfect knife

i had a deputy in my pocket for over 20 years  one of the best knives i ever bought

but the 547......  omg

 1* same sheath as the alpha but...  dried out and very bad leather covered with a lot of black paint

2*  much to dull to use  ( they call it a skinner ! )  just a joke ( had to reset the angle )

3* very bad centering of the blade

4*  almost rattling loose blade 

i thought well lets just sharpen and adjust this babe (because its a beauttiful knife ) and forget the whole thing ...  and in the process i decided to take off the steel side plates to polish them  than i would have my own "custom" buck......

5* the plates were made of a real soft metal and bended almost when toughing them so bad to polish

6* under the plates where cracks in the wood !!

7* when i finally put the knife together again 2 of the screws gave up before they were even tight

these screws are almost inpossible to get in our metric system  ( we only have tork flatheads in mm )  so i had to drill new holes .......


so now for a while for me no more suck... eh   buck knives

what surprised me the most was the "steel"  sideplates ... what a rubbish !

and why put a sticker on the box "for european market " ??    weird !!

At 16:19 on September 30, 2015, Kees ( KC ) Mension said…

but charles.... about that gerber thing....  if they bring the production back to the us... but do it like buck is now producing ( horror)  i think they better leave it to the chinese  LOL

sorry buck   ( they really let me down with my new  547 open season folding skinner )

it said on the box :  for european market ( sticker).... i hope for you guys the better ones stay in the us !   they should have put a sticker over the B  ( an F )

At 10:59 on September 30, 2015, brian toy said…

Thanks, I appreciate your welcome.  I have both Buck and Benchmade knives

At 19:12 on September 25, 2015, tom esau said…

after 20 years of military i've lost most of my interest in shooting i collected a bunch of bolt action military rifle from the 20's and 30's.  i liked the mechanics. and they were really cheap. not the ammo.  i competed in the military match's for much of my time but i'm still not that good a shot. i did get expert in rifle and pistol but some of the folks i served with were good.(olympic gold medal good)  i shoot more longbow cause it's quieter and cheaper. i'm a hole puncher at heart. besides i only like the taste of beef and they frown on me shooting cows. LOL

At 15:37 on September 20, 2015, terry whitford said…


Thankz for the invite. I am basically strictly a bowhunter. I have not had anything to do with firearms for quite a while even though I still own several.

At 10:50 on September 20, 2015, Ricky Burris said…
Thanks very much.
At 19:50 on August 22, 2015, Joe said…
Thank you for the information on the CASE Hunter.
At 18:10 on August 20, 2015, Steve wells said…

Thanks for the comment on the Elephant Toe   Charles

At 17:47 on August 10, 2015, Ken Mundhenk said…
Charles, Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group, we're glad you joined us.
At 8:43 on August 5, 2015, Steve wells said…

Charles Thanks for the nice comments about the Ambassador Tour Knife--will chat with you later

At 6:09 on August 5, 2015, Kevin (KWJ) said…

Thanks for the welcome

At 18:01 on August 3, 2015, Martha Holland said…

Thank you Charles

At 13:40 on August 1, 2015, John Kellogg said…


Just wanted to thank you again for the gift! Hopefully I will be able to do something for you!

Again.....Thank you

At 1:41 on July 31, 2015, Syd Carr said…

Would love to meet you and the family. If I ever get back to Georgia again I'll definitely see if a side trip or two is feasible, I'd love to meet Jan Carter & her husband as well, (northern GA). I agree about the summers, I remember flying into ATL in Aug a few years back, landed at midnight, walked outside and it was still 95/95. Living a block from the Pacific as I do I thought I was gonna just die right there on the spot...thank God for air conditioning. I know that wild winter was unusual, but living through an arctic blizzard in Georgia is a strange thing to have gone through. I still can't believe they re-elected Deal after that fiasco.

I'm a cop's kid, Dad was a Captain, then a CA State investigator, retired & opened a locksmith business. He was raised by a gunsmith, and I was raised around guns, so we are more alike than we look I'm sure. The 60's hit me pretty hard though, and it just never wore off. BTW: I encouraged my daughter to look into law enforcement, I sold the idea by saying to her, "you get to carry a gun and tell people what to do", she laughed about that, but ended up taking the test anyway and passing. I think she will end up as a corrections officer though, she just went for her first interview with the State of CA; we'll see.

I got my CC because I had a couple of guns stuck in my face doing lock work, dad called the local sheriff, (an old friend), and he set it up. Funny though, after getting the CC I never once had that happen again doing that job. After dad retired & sold the shop they wouldn't renew my CC because I supposedly didn't "need" it anymore. When I moved here to SLO county in '99 one of the first things that happened to me was a 90 yr old guy with dementia, who lived in my building, thought I was "stealing" his tv signal out of the air, banged on my door and stuck a 20 ga in my face. I was able to snatch it out of his hands, slammed the door, called the cops & gave the gun to them when they arrived, (it was loaded). They put the old guy on a 72 hr psych hold, then promptly gave the gun back to him when he got out, (didn't even charge him due to his age). California can be a strange place sometimes, unfortunately they are relatively strict about carry laws most of the time. We have no open carry rights to speak of, and they are real strict about transportation, requiring gun & ammo to be carried in separate areas of a vehicle, and never ever concealed of course. No auto knives are allowed either, and assisted opening knives are being looked at as possibly being illegal in the near future. We have a 15 day waiting period for ANY firearm too, and of course a magazine capacity limit. Oh well, at least we CAN own a gun here, at least for the time being at least.

Hope to hear from you on Monday, good talking to you.

At 23:23 on July 30, 2015, Syd Carr said…

Thanks for your support Charles. One thing I should mention about myself is that I'm not necessarily conservative politically, (kinda depends on the issue), but I do support our rights to own and use firearms, and I will fight for that right if necessary. I actually used to have a hard-to-get-in-CA CC permit years back when I worked as a locksmith, (carried a S&W Model 27...stolen with my other guns back in the early 90's, miss it). I'm a long haired, long bearded retired musician/musical instrument tech now, (among other things, including a proud grandpa), and I help run a small non profit & community center up in Big Sur as a volunteer, we directly support local school kids, their school, & other community organizations up there, (I'm on their Board of Directors). I'm not as ardent politically as Ted Nugent, but I could definitely hang with him onstage, and would absolutely love to go hunting with him. I think Duck Dynasty proves that hippies come in all shapes, sizes & political persuasions, and I would call myself an old hippie more than anything else.

I thought I should let you know who you just befriended, I'm definitely NOT your typical firearms advocate. Glad to know you, and hope to meet you one day.

BTW: I have a sister in Atlanta, and I spent most of the winter of '12-'13 there during the big freeze helping her during an illness. Love it down south, miss my sis, the people I met there who were fabulous, and most of all I miss the food! If I didn't have a kid & grand kid here I would be there right now.

At 10:01 on July 22, 2015, Gib Curry said…


Thanks for the warm welcome... I'm glad I found this site and am feeling a bit overwhelmed....

So, I'll lurk for a while and get oriented.

Thanks again for the warm welcome.

For Now,


At 17:30 on July 16, 2015, Mario said…

Thank you, Charles!

At 21:06 on July 7, 2015, Tracey Reed said…

Thanks for the birthday wishes Charles.  I hope all is well for you.

At 13:53 on July 5, 2015, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Thank you kindly, Charles!

White River Knives

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