Jakub Capek's Comments

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At 5:07 on December 17, 2012, Ron Cooper said…

Happy Birthday, Jakub! I will be honored if you would accept my offer of friendship.


At 1:50 on May 21, 2012,
In Memoriam
D ale

Thanks Jakub .. I do like my Mikov !!!

At 15:30 on January 18, 2012, Guy Fitoussi said…

I understand you quite well. i try to do the same with my older kid because i also want him to find out what a wanderfull tool a knife can be.i wish he will like it at least like i do.

fortunatly my wife understands it. i also take him to my workshop (smithy) and let him absorb the atmosphere of this old craftsmanship. specialy today when kids are exposed to so much unnecessary information.

At 16:06 on January 17, 2012, Guy Fitoussi said…

Hello Jakub.

When you say that you will give your son a knife,will you let him use it even without your presence or did i get too far..?

Just curious..May be i can learn and apply some things with the boys.

The bigger one know's about knives and from time to time we go outdoor and do things with my knives..It's so fun!

At 6:26 on January 16, 2012, Guy Fitoussi said…

Thank you Jakub. Well i hope i wont need using them for any combat..

You look to me like a great family man,good dady.i also have two boys (1,3 years),and i

wish for them the same i wish for myself: a peaceful knife collecting..

by the way,beautiful knight you made!

At 16:56 on April 28, 2011,
Ken Erickson
You will enjoy Blades Guide to Knives and their values.  I have the 5th addition along with Levines 4th addition.  Great resource and learning tool.
At 13:52 on January 19, 2011, Thorvan Patten JR. said…
   Thanks  alot we're going through my knives to get an inventory there sure is alot of them. THOR.
At 15:57 on January 17, 2011, Halicon said…

It was mined in England, so most of the vintage stones have been distributed from the great days of England (when they basically owned the international seafare market).

I collect natural stones in general so I do know of the stones you speak of. The Rozcsutec is the one that I use only though because it is such a dense sandstone, which is for Japanese polishers very rare (atleast in that grit, low polisher, plenty of slate polishing stones around in Europe though).


Haven't tried the one from Italia because several reports of inclusions with mineral deposits, I just stay completely clear of those stones unless it has a 100% clean cross-section. Regarding the Czech hone, which one of them do you use? I believe they quarry 3 different stones from that area (very old info though and maybe not true, would love to hear how it is for real though).


In any case, for the CF. Since they are so rare and so sought after, they are basically considered the very finest oilstone in existance (although you can use it with water which is what I would do since I would want to shallow down the serrations of the Novaculite). Prices range from so-so specimen with elements of minerals, red streaks which hints to iron and so on to perfect rectangular big pieces costing up to $1500.


For the first type I have a decent source, it is in the UK though. www.strop-shop.co.uk


For you I would recommend the "Unusual shaped Charnley" and later on when you have gotten a taste of what this stone is and can add to your collection, go for the piece you really want.

They come in two varieties, dark or light gray shades and a greenish stone with red streaks and what looks like inclusions. In general the experts say the gray type is the best quality one, the finest.

Personally I would say it's up to each stone and you never know until you have tested it.

At 21:39 on January 12, 2011, Halicon said…

By the way Jakub, did you catch my comment about the finest oilstone in the world, the Charnley Forest stone?

It has a high content of novaculite so it is basically an Arkansas on steroids (well it cuts just as bloody damn slow but the edge is significantly finer, widely accepted to be finer or on par with vintage Escher stones (Europes finest razor hone perhaps, ofcourse i own one collection grade specimen, will shoot pics at request)).


If you already own a full kit of oilstones the Charnley forest could be the final nail when you want to add that last ridiculously sharp edge. :)

Otherwise I will guide you towards a Japanese Nakayama Asagi. Mine is rated at 30k grits which is literally overkill for even a dry shave razor, but as with all naturals the grit is never constant when the abrasive particles get ground into smaller and smaller size.

At 5:34 on January 11, 2011, Halicon said…

Many thanks for your kind words regarding my stones. They are all collection grade Jap waterstones, I don't think I know anyone that has used oil on J nats. I do know of once that used a glycerine and alcohol variety but never really heard any definite stuff about it.


So all water :)

At 14:31 on January 3, 2011, Allen Hewitt said…

Thank You Jakub; I was very happy to find this site, and am looking forward to hearing from, and learning from other blade enthusiasts such as Yourself.  I am currently trying to get everything together to do My first 'file' knife, with homemade micarta scales and possibly mosaic pins... 


At 12:11 on December 25, 2010,
In Memoriam
D ale
Enjoy the season !!!
At 16:45 on December 20, 2010, Rick Cothren said…

Hey Jakub... I didn't know we shared a birthday!!! Cool. Long time hope all is well with you and your family. Happy belated birthday.

I have been out of pocket for a few days at my daughters wedding this weekend so didn't get on here last Fri. at all.

Did you know our birthday was on a very important day in history... look up what happened on Dec. 17. 1903.

At 15:00 on December 17, 2010, Randy, HHH Knives said…

Jake, Randy Jr. has a Birthday tomorrow and I have always felt kinda bad, he seems to get the rip a little! :) so I understand..


I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas as well.. as a Happy New Year!!

At 12:13 on December 17, 2010, Randy, HHH Knives said…
Happy Birthday Jake!
At 8:01 on December 17, 2010,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Happy B'day Jakub!
At 10:34 on October 22, 2010, Warren L. Strout said…
Hi Jakub - Congradulations on the birth of your son Jerome. I hope he has a healthy and happy life ahead of him. Buy him a good quality knife and put it away for him. By the time he grows up it vwill be worth much more than you paid for it! Have a great day. Warren - "Lone Wolf".
At 16:36 on August 25, 2010, Bob Andrews said…
Hey There Jakub! I just now saw your post about your Corelon Handled Case.As a Case Collector and a dealer,I want to tell you:Do not worry about what people say.The Case Corelon Series are very nice knives.Every one is a Limited Edition.1 of 500 etched on the blade.Corelon is a stable handle material with none of the issues of celluloid.These are beautiful,authentic Case Cutlery knives,you can't go wrong.Treat yourself to a Pilsner Urquell and enjoy your collection!
Bob Andrews
At 11:38 on May 14, 2010,
In Memoriam
D ale
Jakub .. JJ & I started a collection of cutlery resource's @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Knifeology101/
.. check it out when you have the chance .. could really use some sources for our European cousin's !!!!
At 16:47 on May 5, 2010,
In Memoriam
D ale
Jakub .. thanks for stopping by the group .. we're trying to put something together that would be useful for any member doing a repair/kit/mod/etc. Keep checking back when you're online. Pics of any mods you've done would be great !!

Say .. the mis-spelling @ the last post .. that was quite unthinking of me .. sorry !!

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