You are a good man..even if you serve road kill at your diner.
Hey, I'm off and on- best I can. Thanks for all your support. Tell Luck there may be a new mayor in town real soon :)
Thanks for the welcome. Looks like a nice place to hang out once I learn my way around. Did look at some of your pics earlier as I also like slip joints, old and new. I have about half a dozen Case knives, but for some reason I cannot and I mean literally, cannot sharpen them. Don't know what it is as they are the only ones I have trouble with. They're different models also. Strange. Toying with the idea of getting one of those "Chef's Pro" or something like that and give it a try. Boy, I'm getting wordy in my old age. Better stop for now. Thanks again for the welcome.
Yes I'm a Sharpfans member too. matt17saws
You got a nice home page here.I like your picture album too.I need to do take pictures of my favorite knifes . I sell on E-bay too, just to support the habit !! LOL I love that collection of Seahorse whittlers you got.
Cool peach pits. I noticed them, I thought on your hat in one of your pics.
On the map, yeah, I thought that was cool too. You see how many of us put our geo location, about 3%. Maybe once we are good and off the ground, we can strong arm folks into putting it on their page. You know our place is probably much more personal in terms of relating to each other than any other place I have seen online- in terms of knife places, anyway. Not everyone is comfortable with that.....yet :)
Two questions: What is a peach monkey and do you carve them? (that's only one of my questions)
And, what is the app you loaded "Emote"? I really haven't had time to go poking deep in the applications yet.
J.J. Smith III's Comments
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In MemoriamScott King said…
You are a good man..even if you serve road kill at your diner.
Hey, I'm off and on- best I can. Thanks for all your support. Tell Luck there may be a new mayor in town real soon :)
Thanks for the welcome. Looks like a nice place to hang out once I learn my way around. Did look at some of your pics earlier as I also like slip joints, old and new. I have about half a dozen Case knives, but for some reason I cannot and I mean literally, cannot sharpen them. Don't know what it is as they are the only ones I have trouble with. They're different models also. Strange. Toying with the idea of getting one of those "Chef's Pro" or something like that and give it a try. Boy, I'm getting wordy in my old age. Better stop for now. Thanks again for the welcome.
Its funny, I took a break from collecting knives but SYCO re sparked my interest.
Still waiting for some prices on the peach seed monkeys
first time doing so, but there is a lot more coming! LOL
You got a nice home page here.I like your picture album too.I need to do take pictures of my favorite knifes . I sell on E-bay too, just to support the habit !! LOL I love that collection of Seahorse whittlers you got.
Just trying to get all my knives on the page-hopeing a Russlock Collector may need the info. on the pics, and it is FUN
In MemoriamScott King said…
On the map, yeah, I thought that was cool too. You see how many of us put our geo location, about 3%. Maybe once we are good and off the ground, we can strong arm folks into putting it on their page. You know our place is probably much more personal in terms of relating to each other than any other place I have seen online- in terms of knife places, anyway. Not everyone is comfortable with that.....yet :)
In MemoriamScott King said…
And, what is the app you loaded "Emote"? I really haven't had time to go poking deep in the applications yet.
It been a long time since i have seen Peach Seed Carvings W O W
In MemoriamScott King said…
In MemoriamScott King said…
Whatever you said seems to be working for the most part....about folks loading their pic. :)
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