Ellis H. Roberson's Comments

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At 16:43 on December 2, 2022, jack walker said…

Ellis, did you see the case green and black micarta Sowbelly with the

 diamond shield?

At 20:04 on February 1, 2021, Joshua Meyer said…

Hi Rob,

Those are some beautiful knives.  The pics of the shows makes me want to start getting out and renting a booth.  Just need to build my collection first, lol.

At 18:54 on December 9, 2020, Lino A Pena said…
At 18:38 on December 9, 2020, Lino A Pena said…
Hello my name is lino I'm I'm selling a good and old knife
At 9:27 on February 18, 2020, Tom Chase said…

check out Collectors-of-schrades-r-us website



At 19:29 on January 21, 2020, Jan Carter said…

Happy Happy Happy 30th my friend...go have some Chinese and bring the baby home a treat

At 18:41 on January 6, 2020, Gary Granger said…

Thanks for the welcome, I have many German (Puma, Boker, real Hen & Rooster, etc.) plus lots of US made. Lately I have been collecting Western, Buck and Case. This seems like a great site to take my collecting to the next level.


At 18:30 on January 23, 2019,
Glenn "Oz" Osborne

Thanks Ellis ! checked out your pics. Very nice.....

At 19:52 on June 28, 2018,
Glenn "Oz" Osborne

Thank You Ellis .

At 9:28 on May 27, 2018, Sunil Ram said…

Thanks for joining the Buck Knives Group. Welcome to the group, Ellis.

At 14:21 on May 11, 2018, J.J. Smith III said…


At 22:09 on May 3, 2018, J.J. Smith III said…

Boss lady said that McDs will kill ya.

She baked me a game hen along with a message of Lima beans and stuffing.

At 20:28 on April 1, 2018, J.J. Smith III said…

At 19:47 on January 23, 2018, J.J. Smith III said…

Bout forgot...do well at the upcoming show.

At 19:45 on January 23, 2018, J.J. Smith III said…

Well, the Dalton show is a 4 hour drive, for us, so it's a much anticipated trip.  Don't have too many, nearby, so once a year we tend to get spring fever.

At 15:50 on January 22, 2018, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Happy Birthday, ya ol' fart! :-) Have an awesome day, my friend!

At 22:27 on January 21, 2018, Jan Carter said…

Happy Birthday my friend!!

At 18:05 on May 2, 2017, J.J. Smith III said…
Thanks, Ellis.
Hopefully I'll be around for a bit more.
At 19:59 on April 20, 2017, steven patterson said…

hey coulnt get the message,i have several case knives in the boxs you may be intersted in,i am trying to find a queen or s&m 99 single spear with ebony covers,had one packed it about 6 months and let a friend talk me out of it a couple weeks ago,now i miss it something awful,see if you can find me one i will take a used one as long as its not beat up to bad,thanks   ..steve

At 11:14 on January 23, 2017, Jan Carter said…

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White River Knives

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