Jan Carter's Comments

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At 18:39 on September 19, 2010,
Dave Taylor
Hi Jan,
Thanks for adding me to your Friends list. Glad to hear you got to enjoy some of my beautiful Montana country. A bit cool in winter but about "perfect" the rest of the year. Glacier is pretty neat isn't it?

I also received and thank you for the TSA pen and can cooler you sent me with regards to Greg's recent vacation in the Minnesota canoe country and our "use" of his blog site. We had fun there.

Kindest regards,

At 22:43 on July 21, 2010,
CaptJeff Saylor
thanks Jan i appreciate it!! we are not sure about the due date yet. we are getting an ultra sound tomorrow and will know more then. i will keep all of you informed when i know more! this is going to be my first baby and its all exciting and nerve wracking!
keep us in your prayers!
At 10:08 on June 23, 2010,
In Memoriam
D ale
Jan .. thanks for joining our membership @ Knife Repair, Modification, Restoration, & Improvement.

You may have caught some of the more anecdotal postings as you wandered through our collection of modifications & improvements. We do have some fun.

At the same time, our membership is diverse enough to provide views from a variety of disciplines. Quite often, a member will have pertinent experience from which to draw & quickly post a useful response.

'tis a fun informative group. Thanks again for joining !!!!
At 0:49 on June 23, 2010, Terry Waldele said…
Hi Jan,
Welcome to our group: Knife Repair, Modification, Restoration & Improvement. I'm certain you will enjoy being a member and the wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm and generosity offered by our group.
At 15:35 on February 27, 2010, Michael D Sabol said…
welcome!! i collect gec too...i've toured they're factory also...it's pretty cool
At 18:11 on February 26, 2010, Jan Carter said…
Thank you all Glad to be here
At 13:54 on February 26, 2010, Randy, HHH Knives said…

At 14:40 on February 25, 2010, Ken Mundhenk said…
Jan Welcome to the Great Eastern Cutlery Group, we're glad you joined us.
At 15:19 on February 24, 2010,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Jan
Thanks for joining our collector community. Glad to see you join the GEC Group. Stir them up a little for me :)
If you have any questions or I can help you in any way, please let me know.
At 6:05 on February 24, 2010, Doug Scearce said…
Hey Jan Welcome to IKC!! Enjoy yourself!!
At 23:47 on February 23, 2010, J.J. Smith III said…

At 18:43 on February 23, 2010, Glenn K said…
Welcome aboard ! From south Florida !

White River Knives

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