RandallphotoRandall6 LikesCase family tree StandardphotoCase family tree Standard1 Like6 new babiesphoto6 new babies1 LikeMy purchasesphotoMy purchases1 LikeCase TestedphotoCase Tested1 LikeTrappersphotoTrappers1 LikeBILLYphotoBILLY1 LikeMy current collection...photoMy current collection...4 LikesSOG blades n buddiesphotoSOG blades n buddies1 LikeStriped Micarta Fix BladephotoStriped Micarta Fix Blade7 LikesVictorinox Classic - Southern Pacific LinesphotoVictorinox Classic - Southern Pacific Lines4 Likescase xx frontphotocase xx front3 LikesFred DuriophotoFred Durio11 Likes48_ACSB_Cphoto48_ACSB_C4 LikesFour Years (and counting)...I know that I'm a day early, but I don't like to waste the excuse for a good party.
It was four years ago (tomorrow) that iKC was founded.
In those years we've grown to over 3,000 members.
There ar…DiscussionFour Years (and counting)...10 LikesMy newest userphotoMy newest user2 LikesSowbelly LockbackphotoSowbelly Lockback1 LikeRough Rider #RR1077photoRough Rider #RR10774 LikesKarlee at the Nashville NAGA tournament.photoKarlee at the Nashville NAGA tournament.4 Likes4 5/8 large lockbackphoto4 5/8 large lockback2 LikesKen Erickson swell center hunterphotoKen Erickson swell center hunter1 Like