Terrys EDC KnivesphotoTerrys EDC Knives4 LikesLady LegsphotoLady Legs1 LikeTerry and Moms personal knivesphotoTerry and Moms personal knives3 LikesA pair of custom Carey!photoA pair of custom Carey!3 Likes020photo0204 LikesMagnetic Knife StandsphotoMagnetic Knife Stands2 LikesTOP's B.O.B. knife modification #1photoTOP's B.O.B. knife modification #14 LikesGregDash_HunterphotoGregDash_Hunter7 LikesDSC05056photoDSC050563 LikesBlade show 2016photoBlade show 20164 LikesS&M71 GrandDaddy BarlowphotoS&M71 GrandDaddy Barlow2 LikesLunch Time ViewphotoLunch Time View2 LikesCivil War Item Found on Confederate HUNLEY S…It's amazing how far underwater archeology has progressed over the years.
Who would have thought that this wasn't just a rock.
Just a note: the Confederate sub HUNLEY was NOT a commissioned ship so i…DiscussionCivil War Item Found on Confederate HUNLEY S…3 Likes4-18-16SargentWhtlrCphoto4-18-16SargentWhtlrC3 LikesKukriphotoKukri3 Likesgrphotogr3 Likes
May 2016
DSC05056photoDSC050562 LikesColonial Camp Knife (1)photoColonial Camp Knife (1)3 LikesMy first shot at stock removal knife.Hi Folks -
A friend of mine, and member here John Kiedaisch of JK Handmade Knives, recently held a two-day knife maker's workshop. At the workshop, each participant used their own pattern for a kni…DiscussionMy first shot at stock removal knife.2 LikesCool ImperialphotoCool Imperial2 Likes