SAK Whittling BookphotoSAK Whittling Book4 LikesUncle HenrySee Discussion below. We moved it here to make sure folks saw itDiscussionUncle Henry1 LikeToe Nail/SunfishphotoToe Nail/Sunfish4 Likes
January 2018
Will there be any knife "stores" left?Most of you know that the UK is going to make it where you cannot purchase knives by mail. You must go to a store and pick it up. Now, hear me out because this may not be what you are expecting fro…DiscussionWill there be any knife "stores" left?3 LikesGator+GatorKnife 003AphotoGator+GatorKnife 003A2 LikesSANY0337photoSANY03374 LikesA little iKC fun at the showphotoA little iKC fun at the show4 LikesSheffield BarlowphotoSheffield Barlow2 LikesCoin Knife ProtypephotoCoin Knife Protype3 LikesIMG_0014photoIMG_00142 LikesIMG_2921.CR2photoIMG_2921.CR24 LikesBlahphotoBlah1 Like20180118_164315photo20180118_1643152 Likes20180115_152954photo20180115_1529544 LikesBullDogPrototypeStagWhittler 015AphotoBullDogPrototypeStagWhittler 015A2 LikesAll Mar Orignial 13 - Rev 1photoAll Mar Orignial 13 - Rev 14 LikesJust a noticeKenneth Daniels CEO and President of Queen Cutlery has announced effective January 10, 2018, that due to issues with cash flow, Queen Cutlery Company has been forced to cease all production and close…DiscussionJust a notice4 Likes