IMAG0034photoIMAG00342 LikesIMAG0036photoIMAG00362 LikesIMAG0037photoIMAG00372 LikesIMAG0038photoIMAG00381 LikeIMAG0039photoIMAG00393 LikesIMAG0042photoIMAG00422 LikesIMAG0046photoIMAG00463 LikesIMAG0047photoIMAG00473 LikesName the 5 top things to do when you join iK…1. Load a profile picture and make some friends 2 .Answer discussions or post questions if you have them 3. Join some groups and if you have a question Post it 4. Join us in chat usually in the even…DiscussionName the 5 top things to do when you join iK…43 LikesDon Carter ForgephotoDon Carter Forge11 Likes