RR298 bsphotoRR298 bs2 LikesRR298 psphotoRR298 ps1 LikeCase Gunboat Silver Script Red Bone 2004photoCase Gunboat Silver Script Red Bone 20042 LikesCase 44 Medium Stockman Abalone 2014photoCase 44 Medium Stockman Abalone 20142 LikesCase 44 Medium Stockman Stag with Red Shield…photoCase 44 Medium Stockman Stag with Red Shield…3 LikesCase 75 One Blade Jack Knife Antique Bone 20…photoCase 75 One Blade Jack Knife Antique Bone 20…2 LikesCase 75 Large Stockman CV Brown Bone 1995photoCase 75 Large Stockman CV Brown Bone 19951 Like1634photo16342 LikesMr. and Mrs. BarnettphotoMr. and Mrs. Barnett4 LikesMemDaySilverStagphotoMemDaySilverStag5 LikesBridgersphotoBridgers3 LikesBridgersphotoBridgers3 LikesBridgersphotoBridgers3 LikesBridgersphotoBridgers3 LikesGallatinphotoGallatin4 LikesGallatinphotoGallatin4 LikesGallatinphotoGallatin4 LikesMelt-offphotoMelt-off3 LikesFather Daughter dancephotoFather Daughter dance5 LikesRough Rider vs CASEA wise individual once told me that you could take a blade from a Rough Rider knife and interchange it with a like patterned CASE knife. I have seen this aspect in whitttler patterns from both brand…DiscussionRough Rider vs CASE4 LikesKershaw 1005 BowiiephotoKershaw 1005 Bowiie2 Likes