Amber Bone TeardropphotoAmber Bone Teardrop7 LikesThe Making of a BowlI have been making small bowls as well as other small wooden projects over the last year and a half. I thought I would share my method of making the bowls. Here is a step by step of just that.
Step…DiscussionThe Making of a Bowl7 LikesCase Tested 1920-40 Knif-Ax CombophotoCase Tested 1920-40 Knif-Ax Combo6 Likescb586ceaeeefb94b62e5f341f87bfe26photocb586ceaeeefb94b62e5f341f87bfe267 LikesIMG_20140407_180255_129photoIMG_20140407_180255_1293 Likes
March 2014
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