Thumb rest knife 2 (2)photoThumb rest knife 2 (2)2 Likes
December 2017
moose cleaverphotomoose cleaver3 LikesBlueMountainWhiteHunter 018AphotoBlueMountainWhiteHunter 018A3 LikesCaseGiantStagTrapper 009AphotoCaseGiantStagTrapper 009A3 LikesMyHousephotoMyHouse8 LikesYin and JangphotoYin and Jang3 LikesAntique KnivesMy Grandfathers knives, i don't know much about them, although every time i asked him i got a new and exciting story. I have had them a while and curious on their history :)DiscussionAntique Knives2 Likes