Case Barlow Prime Stag 2011photoCase Barlow Prime Stag 20113 Likes
July 2013
imagephotoimage3 LikesCamillus High Country skinnerphotoCamillus High Country skinner2 Likes7 Recent purchases L-R Bear & Bull Whittler,…photo7 Recent purchases L-R Bear & Bull Whittler,…3 LikesW.R. Case and Sons Sunfish pre 1915photoW.R. Case and Sons Sunfish pre 19154 LikesChris Martin Custom Titanium FlipperphotoChris Martin Custom Titanium Flipper1 LikeGreat EasternphotoGreat Eastern4 LikesJan CarterMemberJan Carter49 LikesCase FansGroupCase Fans93 LikesCustom KnivesGroupCustom Knives15 LikesKnife Repair, Modification, Restoration & Im…GroupKnife Repair, Modification, Restoration & Im…39 LikesWe want more members on the Queen Cutlery Co…We are trying to expand the group on IKC. So we are going to have a contest like we had for the Tuna Valley group. Every new member that joins the group gets a chance on not one but two Queen Work Ho…DiscussionWe want more members on the Queen Cutlery Co…15 LikesGreat Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken MundhenkGroupGreat Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk76 Likes