Case 3 Blade TrapperphotoCase 3 Blade Trapper2 LikesCase Trapper/ Autum -SHCC - 2007photoCase Trapper/ Autum -SHCC - 20071 LikeCase #6254 SS TrapperphotoCase #6254 SS Trapper1 LikeCase TrapperphotoCase Trapper1 LikeCase TrapperphotoCase Trapper1 LikeCase Sod jr. ''Cypress Stump handle'' 1photoCase Sod jr. ''Cypress Stump handle'' 12 LikesLe ThiersphotoLe Thiers6 LikesLe ThiersphotoLe Thiers3 LikesStag Case Tiny ToothpickphotoStag Case Tiny Toothpick4 LikesBlackjack Knife2photoBlackjack Knife26 LikesNew Knife Display
BlogNew Knife Display8 LikesCasephotoCase2 LikesCasephotoCase3 LikesCattaragus Copperlock-Tested Red-ATS-34-250…photoCattaragus Copperlock-Tested Red-ATS-34-250…6 Likesschrade button 9photoschrade button 95 LikesCase BrosphotoCase Bros5 LikesRobeson ShuredgephotoRobeson Shuredge3 LikesJust joinedThanks for having me , I see a few familiar members here and I hope to be involved in the fun.DiscussionJust joined4 Likes25 1/2 PatternStill locked in the Vault
The Mini coke bottle
Some day this mighty little pocket knife will make a debut back into the knife world.
Till then I will continue to love the pattern.
I will collect diff…Discussion25 1/2 Pattern3 LikesCase 6333 SS Scrolled Cabernet Smooth Bone C…photoCase 6333 SS Scrolled Cabernet Smooth Bone C…1 LikeFKS Catt Cut Collection 4-2013 007photoFKS Catt Cut Collection 4-2013 0074 Likes