The time has come to start the discussion on the 2014 iKC knife.  

I would again like to shoot for August/Sept delivery date.  Something to remember while we talk about this is that a short run of only 50 or so knives means we need to tie in with a maker that is already running a knife and tweak that one to make it our own.  The reason for this is most SFO's require a minimum order of 250 or more.  Also I would like to keep it less than $125.00 delivered to you.  I have some eyes checking out whats available at a factory or two but always love to hear your ideas.  Remember, this is YOUR knife 

Here is a pic of the official annual knives we have done so far

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I think I threw this into the ring last year or the year before? But, I would love to have another Teardrop Harness Jack similar to the ones that Queen did in 2005. Primarily because a good punch blade on a knife can be a most useful tool for any number of small jobs. Not the least of which would be its original purpose of punching holes in the leather tack for a horse and buggy. Ergo the name, Harness Jack.

This is what I'm talking about...

My [selfish] second choice would be a Queen Q-Tac. But that knife (Q-Tac) would exclude our members in the UK and many other Countries that prohibit a locking blade. So, in order to be inclusive of everyone, my next choice would be a Barlow pattern. That's a pattern that seems to be highly regarded by most folks in these discussions. Regardless of the pattern that is ultimately decided upon, I would submit my preference that it be made by Queen. Good folks and they make good knives!

I would like to see something that is 3" closed....

Wood handles

some un-traditional blades

Thanks, James.  I understand that you/we don't want to run afoul of the law.  My point was that any of that stuff would add about another $100. to the cost of the finished knife, and I would rather have the money go to blade steel - 154CM or BG-42, for example, instead of "ivory" - whatever it's age.

James Cole said:

Howard, Please allow me to clarify my previous post. The federal government has made it illegal to sell elephant ivory across state lines. It has also prima facie made it illegal to sell elephant ivory within the state by virtue of the following; the seller must provide provenance that the ivory is; not elephant, over 100 years old, or purchased before 1976. We are still allowed to own and possess elephant ivory, but not sell it.

It is my belief that any LEO encountering “any” object that looks to them to be elephant ivory will confiscate it and then you will play hell getting it back.

Howard P Reynolds said:

I don't think you have to worry, James.  Mammoth or ivory scales would cost about the target price we are considering for the whole knife.

I'm sure liking these ideas and Rons Teardrop Harness Jack is a beauty!!!  I'm up for that to be sure!!  or Queen also has a Small Barlow less than 3 inches that's a cutie and would make for a sweet deal! With something that size we could buy two one to display and one to put it the pocket!

decisions, decisions.... sure are some great ideas! There can only be one!

I agree , Tuna Valley.. and Daniels good choice Cindy

Data (C Thomas) said:

Maybe a Tuna Valley this time around since we went with Ken last year?  I agree with staying with the Daniels family.

I'm with Ron,  the harness jack  ...definitely would be my first vote ! then barlow {2 blade} then stockman .

I have narrowed my choice to these three. A Moose, a Scout and a Barlow pattern. My choices for handle materials are two, white bone and amber bone. Last years knife had an amber bone, so I favor the white bone this year. My choice for a maker are one, Queen Cutlery.

  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.....lol

Solid choices Robert!

They've all been good so far! For 2014, I'd like to see a teardrop easy-opener with 2 blades - a wharncliffe (or spear blade) and a cap lifter. How about a lanyard hole and all-American Osage orange (bodark) or Persimmon wood scales? If we could get a vintage-style shield (maybe bowtie or bomb)it would be great! Perhaps the knife could be made in Titusville, PA? Hmmm.

       Something from Tuna Valley, AG Russell or Great Eastern would suite me fine. As for the pattern I like Steve's idea of a stockman and we should be able to get one done close to the $125.00 price you mentioned. I don't have a problem paying more than that to get a quality knife.

I haven't forgotten our friends at GEC and AG. Russell. I was just thinks [Dangerous] that since Queen bailed us out last year on our club knife. We would go with them again this year. The way the count is now, there's 1 by AG. Russell and 2 by GEC and 1 by Queen. If we are doing it by rotation, it's either Mr. AG.'s turn or Queen's. Just saying.

I like Mr. Skean's suggestion for a 2-blade teardrop easy-opener, with emphasis on a STAINLESS wharncliffe blade. However I would much prefer stag (or at least winterbottom bone) handle scales instead of wood. And I would love it if we could get it from Tuna Valley.

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