Jim -- I'm more than 3 years late to this welcome party, but Ron Clark mentioned you as his referral to iKC, & I apparently I missed welcoming you to the group. It's been some time, sorry for the delay, & hopefully you've found some value in iKC since March of -- woah -- 2020... :( I hope you're doing well.
Jim Stoddard's Comments
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Featureddead_left_knife_guy said…
Jim -- I'm more than 3 years late to this welcome party, but Ron Clark mentioned you as his referral to iKC, & I apparently I missed welcoming you to the group. It's been some time, sorry for the delay, & hopefully you've found some value in iKC since March of -- woah -- 2020... :( I hope you're doing well.
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and join us in the chatroom if you have any questions or just want to chat
Welcome to iKC Jim.
We look forward to your input, Jim.
Again, welcome aboard.
FeaturedCharles Sample said…
Welcome to iKC Jim!
FeaturedJeremy B. Buchanan said…
Welcome aboard Jim!
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