The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
That is not only unique it is awesome!
Got this from a second hand store a while back- Paid $30 for it--A Ka-bar 2750 Boot knife--This is from when Ka-bar was owned by Cole National Corporation-circa 1966-1996- I believe this one is from 1970-80's- Stainless steel blade,Duracon handle, sunburst brass pins, and brass cross guard-Here are before and after pics after a little restoration
Your Ka-bar boot knife cleaned up real well John. Very knice.
John McCain said:
Got this from a second hand store a while back- Paid $30 for it--A Ka-bar 2750 Boot knife--This is from when Ka-bar was owned by Cole National Corporation-circa 1966-1996- I believe this one is from 1970-80's- Stainless steel blade,Duracon handle, sunburst brass pins, and brass cross guard-Here are before and after pics after a little restoration
Hi, I have a few pieces dating mainly back to the UNION CUTLERY DAYS prior to 1923.....Also, the collection includes two pieces from the UNION "RAZOR" COMPANY dating from 1902-1911 and a few pieces from the 1923-1951 era.
What I am looking for are records concerning materials used and trademark differences..Several references are in my possession but are general in nature.
I have a 61107LG knife that has "Iron" liners and bolsters with the Tang Mark: "KA-BAR" with "OLEAN, N.Y." directly under it. This mark is only on the shield side of the blade. I was wondering HOW OLD this piece is??. It is unlike most I have seen of this pattern due to the Tang Mark wording plus being only on one side of the blade (most I've seen of this pattern had tang marks on both sides of the blade..Also, it differs due to having Iron liners and bolsters).
Also, I've noticed subtle differences in the shape/design of the DOG HEAD EMBLEM...While only Union Cutlery Co., I realize the wording KA-BAR was not in the emblem and was added after 1923. Also, the shape of the dog head emblem changed with the ears of the dog, etc...But, does anybody have a diagram or referencing as to WHAT DATES the emblem was changed??. This could help me determine more specifically the ages of knives in my collection.....Pictured is the 61107LG (can someone tell me if this is a very early, 1923-1925, production due to the tang mark and Iron bolsters/liners ?)
Thanks again !!
This may help
Although I like them all Michael, I REALLY like the Union Cutlery
Me too Jan. I really do like the old knives and stag or jigged bone just really adds to the apeal for me. The stories they could tell.
I have 175 WWII KA-BAR Mark 2's and 1219c2's. I attaches a couple of pictures of some 1219c2's.
First picture:
The knives in the bottom row have blued blades marked KA-BAR / OLEAN, N.Y. – USMC, (large letter). The knives in the second row have Parkerized blades marked KA-BAR – USMC, (large letter), with rectangular peened thick pommels. The knives in the third row have light grey Parkerized, (Bonderized), blades, marked KA-BAR / OLEAN, N.Y. – USMC, (large letter), and KA-BAR – USMC, (large letter), with both round and rectangular peened thick pommels. The knives in the top row have Parkerized blades marked KA-BAR – USMC, (small letter), with thin pinned pommels. The ones marked KA-BAR, (only), - USMC with the light grey Parkerized, (Bonderized), blade finish are pretty rare. The last 3 knives in the third row are examples of these knives.
Second picture:
A group of six WWII KA-BAR 1219C2 knives showing the three different blade finishes used during the war. All six knives are a different variation of the many variations of the WWII KA-BAR USMC 1219C2 knife. The first two knives have a blued blade finish. The second two knives have the light grey Parkerized, (Bonderized), blade finish. The last two knives have the dark Parkerized blade finish. The knife variations are shown in order of their manufacture early to late war, (left to right).
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