Hey there, Gene! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!
Welcome Aboard! Just got here myself a couple of days ago. Glad you came, look forward to learning more about your former sign making. Sounds interesting! Drop me a line if you wish to chat sometime.
Gene Golden's Comments
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LOL on the "kinda collect them"
We all started with a reason. My reason now is I just like sharp pointy things :)
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and join us in the chatroom if you have any questions or just want to chat
Hey there, Gene! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!
Hello Gene,
Welcome Aboard! Just got here myself a couple of days ago. Glad you came, look forward to learning more about your former sign making. Sounds interesting! Drop me a line if you wish to chat sometime.
See ya around,
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